Paterson vs Rush

pater.jpgGov. Paterson took a chance Thursday to take a dig at conservative talk show host  Rush Limbaugh’s decision to flee New York over proposed tax increases. Sensing a chance to strike, Paterson joked that if he’d known, “I would have thought about the taxes earlier.”

Word of the zinger filtered back to Limbaugh a short time later after a call from WNBC. In his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh responded to the Paterson comments:

“Gov. Paterson, do you know that you have an exodus on your hands from Long Island and for a long time you’ve had an exodus on your hands from Long Island moving to southern states like North Carolina and Florida because they’re sick and tired of the property taxes, the state taxes, the city taxes, and all the other taxes?  So you going to be happy that other taxpayers decide to leave New York, or just me?  Just me?  What an honor, what an honor.”

(Source: WNBC)

5 Responses

  1. You just know Rush is going to win this one…Paterson may as well not bother saying anything more about it, b/c it will not end well

  2. Paterson is a fool for taking on Rush. This is so not normal to take on a private citizen. This yutz is gonna get bounced so fast in 2010 he wont even have time to recall his being gov’nor!

  3. Uh Mr. Governor, a lot of other New Yorkers are about ready to do just the same. If everyone else follows Mr. Limbaugh’s lead, how are you going to raise revenue?

  4. Taxes will kill the NYS/ NYC econmy (whatever is left.) We are overtaxed as it is and simply can no longer afford to foot this bill.
    Rush is 100% correct except that the exodus is not limited to long island. Young couples looking to settle down no longer include NYC in the conversation. Lakewood, Passaic, Waterbury are real options today. NY will be left with only the takers (welfare non contributing members of society.) Those of us that remain will be forced to assume a much larger protion of the tax burdon.
    Im not sure myself how much longer I can keep keep my business in NYC.

    The Politicians really are out of touch. Im very serious, I truly feel that nobody in a position of power really understands the oncoming disaster.

  5. I agree with Rush on this one but still think patterson said a good vort! Rush may be correct on most issues but he’s still a good for nothing!

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