Inside Politics: Ask David Greenfield

GF.jpgThis Week: Is Hillary Clinton Good for Israel? Plus – Update on Yeshiva Cuts! [AUDIO LINK BELOW]

Every Thursday – exclusively on Yeshiva World – you can ask David G. Greenfield, Esq. any political question you have! It’s simple, ask your political question in the comments section and listen each week for your answer. Our editors will select the top three questions each week for a response.


David is one of the top political strategists and analysts in New York State. David is also an experienced attorney and a renowned community askan who is the founding director of TEACH NYS. TEACH NYS is the only organization exclusively dedicated to solving the tuition crisis.

YWN AUDIO LINK: Click HERE for this weeks audio show.

5 Responses

  1. Wow! I called the Governor five days in a row! I can’t believe that it worked. Thank you, David! As for my question, I’d still like to know what you think of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and her chances for re-election. Thanks so much!

  2. There you have it David. You voted for someone who had a “good record on Israel” but had no record of being a person of principals and values. I voted for McCain who is a person with a record of doing what he believes in. To me it’s very simple, but those who didn’t see it clearly then will probebly take no lesson from the Hillary flop either.

  3. MDshweks – David said that he voted for Hillary in the Democratic Primary. She wasn’t running in the general election against McCain. David’s reasons for voting for Hillary over Obama in the PRIMARY were very good. She definitely was the best of the Democratic bunch.

  4. I understand that. However, to me “her record on Israel” was worthless, as it was really proven to be, although I agree she still had some other advatages over Obama.

  5. Last week Pulitzer Prize Winning Cartoonist Pat Oliphant was accused of being an anti-semite for his cartoon. Do you think Oliphant is an anti-semite? Also, do you think anti-semitism is going up or down? Thanks for a great show.

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