NY Lawmakers Consider Taxi Fee In MTA Bailout Bid

taxi.jpgA New York State official says Gov. David Paterson and state legislative leaders are considering adding a fee to taxi rides as a possible way to help bail out New York City’s troubled mass transit system.

The state official familiar with the talks spoke on the condition of anonymity because the measure isn’t final and wasn’t authorized by the leaders for release.

The New York Taxi Workers Alliance calls the idea unfair, punitive and a sign of how out of touch Albany is with New York City’s transit problem. Executive Director Bhairavi Desai says a fee placed on taxi rides to fund the MTA would be a cut in pay for drivers and working New Yorkers.

The Senate’s Democratic majority has rejected tolls on some city bridges as a revenue source.

(Source: Associated Press)

2 Responses

  1. I must be missing something.
    To help the troubled mass transit system they want to tax those that DO NOT use mass transit by adding a fee to taxi rides and adding tolls to the bridges?
    When the Port Authority needs money are they going to raise the fare of the MTA bus and train riders????

  2. Not sure why going after taxis is any worse or more unfair than raising the tolls on the triboro/whitestone etc. bridges (I know they’re owned by MTA, but that has nothing to do with the subway).

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