Agudath Israel Statement Regarding U.N. Human Rights Council

agudah2.jpgThe Obama Administration’s announced desire to rejoin the UN Human Rights Council is unfortunate and unwelcome news.

The Council’s embrace of tyrants and abandonment of its mandate in countries
where human rights violations are among the worst in the world have made this body an abettor of persecution rather than the protector of the persecuted.

Its absurd obsession with, and constant condemnation of, Israel, has made the
Council nothing more than a breeding ground for anti-Semitic hatred and a rallying point for those who seek to legitimize that hatred.

The United States spoke strongly when it refused to be part of this charade. It made clear that appeasement of rogue nations does not promote peace and human rights — that it only emboldens evil. It was an important and unequivocal statement. We greatly fear the ominous statement the Obama Administration’s reversal will represent.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Where is our (former) friend, secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Now that she does not need the Jewish vote, she is back to her old (kissing Mrs. Arafat) ways!

  2. I wish I could say he is naive, but with freinds like Wright, Farrakhan and endorsements from HAMAS, naive is NOT the word, rather anti-Semitic

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