Felder Says FDNY Will Be Enforcing Biur Chometz Rules

felder3.jpgBrooklyn – Council Member Simcha Felder (D – Brooklyn) encourages everyone to exercise caution during the upcoming Yom Tov; particularly during the traditional burning of chametz (bread, grains and leavened products) which cannot be eaten during Pesach.

Felder encourages those celebrating Passover to abide by the Fire Department’s limit of ten pieces of chametz for burning. FDNY has stated that this rule will be strictly enforced and that any firefighter who observes a larger amount being burned has been instructed to promptly extinguish the fire.

“These rules exist for everyone’s well-being,” says Felder. “I wish everyone a safe and wonderful holiday.”

Families are encouraged to ensure that fires are supervised by a mature, responsible adult with easy access to water or a fire extinguisher. Fires should be kept away from parked cars and the use of aluminum foil, paint thinners, lighter fluids or any other flammable liquids is strongly discouraged. Fully extinguished chametz should be put at the curb in plastic bags by Wednesday morning, April 8th for collection.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. Baltimore does it better. The fires are in the parking lot of the local fire house. With thousands of people coming, it almost always gets favorable covered by the local press.

  2. why dont they do like lakewood and make one large fire for the whole community supervised by the fire dept. it works out great every year there’s actually 4 of them 1 on each side of town

  3. this doesn’t happen in Baltimore Ir Hakodesh, where the fire dep’t actually arranges for a huge biur chametz

  4. Every year the first days of pesach & the first days of succos the streets of boro park are littered with piles of burnt chometz & other things (pesach) and lulovim, bags, boxes & whatever else gets left around (succos). It is mamesh a chillul h-shem that the cause of such garbage strewn around are the very mitzvos that we usher in these yomim tovim with.

  5. Will the FDNY allow us this year to burn chometz by the Gaon’s zman or will they enforce the zman of HaMagen Avraham?

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