Bird-Strike Stats Are All Messed Up

bird.jpgNew York – Birds pose a much larger threat to aircraft than the Port Authority has led the public to believe, secret government statistics reveal.

The Port Authority’s PR team released a fact sheet on Jan. 15, the day of the Miracle on the Hudson, saying that bird strikes were on the decline, according to Monday’s New York Post.

But the new figures tell quite a different tale.

From 2003-07, bird strikes were on the rise at all three area airports.

+ LaGuardia
2003: 61
2007: 101

2003: 106
2007: 163

+ Newark
2003: 58
2007: 97

In 2003, there was a total of 225 bird strikes, and in 2007, that figure had risen to 361, an increase of 60 percent.

And figures through the middle of last year show that the 2008 totals will at least equal, if not surpass, those of 2007, according to the report.

After the Post uncovered the new statistics, the Port Authority acknowledged, “We made a mistake on that fact sheet.”

(Source: NBC New York)

5 Responses

  1. I’m sure it was a blip, but the title of this piece makes cute reference to an obscenity which is dissonant with YWN’s stature as a media organ of frum yidden. Thank you for your continued vigilance and quality service.

  2. Maybe the numbers they offer on how much money they’re losing which forces them to keep raising fares and tolls is also “a mistake on the fact sheet”.

  3. I was logging in to point out what I was sure was an inadvertant, allusion to an obscene expression, and to avoid a chillul HaShem, but I see that not only was this already pointed out but was immediately corrected. Unfortunately, all the emials are out already. We must all be dan likaf zichus that this was done due to the naive innocence of the frum world, b”H, may it always be so!

  4. 4,
    actually to be quite simple here, the copy came from a reliable source. shame on all of you who “knew” of the snide remark.

    zults enk ala shemin!

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