Taxes Galore in New State Budget

PATT1.jpgThe good news is that Albany has announced a new state budget before the April 1 deadline for the first time in three years. Unfortunately, it features taxes on cell phones, wine, cigars and beer and it eliminates a popular rebate plan.

State Democrats announced a budget deal that pushes spending to a record $132 billion, with $7.8 billion coming out of the pockets of New Yorkers in the form of taxes and fee.

Say good bye to the popular $1.5 billion STAR tax rebate plan and say hello to $2.3 billion in new extended business taxes and nuisance fees.

Do you like taxes, fees and surcharges? How about a nickel deposit added to bottled water sales? Or a new $1.20 monthly “public safety” tax on cell phones and an increased fee on learners permits?

While the middle class has a few things to complain about in the new budget plan, the upper class is about to get walloped. Some of New York’s wealthiest residents will be kicking in an extra $4 billion in income taxes.

The spending plan is $10.7 billion higher than the trimmed-down version Gov. David Paterson released four months ago. Lawmakers added $405 million in school aid, which Paterson had hoped to cut by $698 million, according to the New York Post.

“This is a very difficult budget that reflects the extraordinary challenges we face,” Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said Sunday, noting the budget gap was estimated at $16.5 billion.

Overall, the budget restores about a third of the spending cuts Paterson called for in December. Paterson said much of the spending increase results from an increase in federal aid.

(Source: NBC New York)

5 Responses

  1. You do realize the problem that some articles complain about taxes, and other articles complain about reduced services (and subsidies). You can’t have one without the other (unless you are the federal government, which can print money).

    Choosing LOWER TAXES and MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING is not possible on a state and local level.

  2. LET’S SEE:

    The MTA is raising fares.

    NY City is raising water rates.

    NY State is raising taxes.

    Businesses are going bankrupt.

    Employees of remaining businesses are taking salary cuts and unpaid forced “vacations.”


  3. #2 and #3

    So what services do you want to get rid of????

    How about programs that provide support for thousands of frum Jews (WIC, food stamps, section eight, medicaid and especially the extension for children, Pell grants. Indeed, since the income tax has progressive rates, the frum community is probably making a profit (we get more than we pay)

    Perhaps we should get rid of trash collection and require every homeowner to dispose of his own trash (or pay someone to take it to the landfill)?

    Why should transit riders get subsidized? If it costs $5 a ride for the subway, charge it? Do people who own and drive automobiles get a subsidy? Indeed, why should any intercity roads be free?

    Why have a professional police? It’s relatively new (since the mid-19th century). If you get mugged – you catch the crook and bring him to the court house and pay for a lawyer to prosecute.

    If people wanted fewer services and lower taxes, all they have to do is vote for candidates who favor such a platform. But when people whine about services, they need to unsderstand they are demanding higher taxes.

    One might aruge that the current depression is the sole result of people feeling entitled to a life style higher than they could afford, whether it be fancy weddings or government programs or ludicrous paychecks well beyond the value of what they produced.

    That’s not socialism, or capitalism. It’s naarishekit.

  4. akuperma & CharlieHall (#4&#5):

    Here is obvious waste:

    1. Swarms of “Parking Enforcement Agents,” who rip-off our community all day long, with real and imagined “Transgressions.”

    2. Totally-Unreal salaries, perks, and pensions for City, State, and Federal employees.

    Those are just two items that come immediately to mind. I’m sure you can come up with tons more of waste and pork, all loaded onto the backs of a rapidly-dwindling workforce, increasingly taxed.

    The Government will soon kill the “goose that is laying the gold!”

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