Levaya of Rav Yaakov Zakheim ZATZAL

candle93.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rav Yaakov Zakheim ZATZAL, a prominent Rov in Flatbush for more than 40 years.

Rav Zakheim was a Talmid of Hagon Rav Elchonon Wasserman HYD in Baranovitch, and later in the Mirrer Yeshiva.

He leaves behind a Choshover Rebbitzen, his children: R’ Moshe Zakheim, Rachelle Klein, Devorah Hamada, and the noted Askan R’ Shlomo Zakheim; and dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The Levaya will take place at 10:00AM on Friday morning, at his Shul, Bais Medrash Hagadol Agudas Yisroel (East Midwood), located at 3120 Bedford Avenue, corner of Avenue J.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

7 Responses

  1. iknew the nifta as a young child , when i was a little younger than him,h’l.
    he was a fantastic human being and a great rov. he was a very caring person and a z’chus to be in his daled amos. he was a great talmud chochem , from the old school . it a great loss for klal yisroel.hamokem y’nachem eschem bsoch aveili zion v’yershalayim.he will be a meilitz yosher for clal yisroel.

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