The Arizona Wheat Controversy

wheat.jpgThe following article by Rabbi Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum, appears in this weeks Jewish Press:

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, has been using Arizona wheat exclusively for all Pesach needs. In recent months, a new sefer was introduced describing the deficiencies of Arizona wheat for Pesach use. Written by Rabbi Avrohom Laufer, Doroger Rav, sefer Ho’aishel Beramah, in three volumes, describes the traditions of which wheat to use, by our parents and grandparents. Arizona wheat, because of the lack of rain in wheat-growing areas may be thought of as ideal for matzah baking, since the likelihood of it becoming leaven seems unlikely. However, Rabbi Laufer focuses on irrigation systems that feed water to the wheat, and finds it unacceptable.

The sefer has the haskamos (approbations) of leading Torah scholars such as: Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Menashe Friedman, Satmar Rosh Beth Din; Rabbi Sholom Pollack, Skverer Dayan; Rabbi Moshe Chaim Tirnauer, Montreal Satmar Dayan; Rabbi Yoel Morgenstein, Sharmasher Rav; Rabbi Noach Isaac Elbaum, Rav Beis Medrash Nachalas Dovid Queens; Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak Farkas, Flatbush Dayan; Rabbi Simcha Yisroel Blum, Kasho Rav; Rabbi Shlomo Gross, Boro Park Belzer Dayan; Rabbi Yaakov Zeida, Williamsburg Vishnitzer Dayan; Rabbi Wolf Ber Lerner, Montreal Belzer Dayan; Rabbi Yitzchok Mandel, Rosh Beth Din Chaker Halacha; Rabbi Yeshaya Binyamin Holczer, Shevet Levy Member Dayan; Rabbi Dovid Rosenberg, author of Minchas Dovid; Rabbi Chaim Yeshaya Shwimmer, Rosh Kollel Rema; and Rabbi Elimelech Yechezkel Shraga Gold, Rav Beis Medrash Shaar Chesed Monsey.

Approbation Renounced

In a full-page proclamation published in Der Yid, a Yiddish Chassidishe weekly, Rabbi Sholom Pollack, Skverer Dayan, indicates that he is pained that his letter of approbation against Arizona wheat was published. He claims he wrote the letter without having heard the arguments of the proponents of Arizona wheat. He further claims that the letter was not issued to be published.

After having studied the benefits of Arizona wheat, he is now convinced that it is indeed superior and that his original letter against Arizona wheat published without full authorization is now rendered null and void, as the dust of the earth.

(LINK to Jewish Press)

13 Responses

  1. Arguing over a hiddur is a “Kiddush ha-Shem”.

    Barukh ha-Shem we live in a time and place where there are such options.

  2. After having studied the benefits of Arizona wheat, he is now convinced that it is indeed superior and that his original letter against Arizona wheat published without full authorization is now rendered null and void, as the dust of the earth.

    Should it be burned with the Chometz?

  3. I heard all the Rabunim who question the Arizona Wheat where never there’ they base the “ISER” on their belive the Droger Rav who was never there and on the other side Satmar, Pupa, Tzahlim, Visnits Monsey, Rav Brody B.P., Kasho Monsey, Sedrahall B.P., Freimon, Nitra B.P., and much more who are going there yearly by cutting the wheat, or by them selves or through their masgicham say this is a big “HEIDER” . so whats going on ? ? ?

  4. #6
    sounds like a criticism to me, not a question.
    why are you asking this question if not to impugn his motives.
    since YOU do not know why he wrote it, why dont you refrain from criticizing a person, in relation to whom you are but a speck on the wall.

  5. #6- because he may have been saying that it was something to look into, and that’s what he approved, not that he agreed with the conclusion.

  6. Most of the rabonimm ha’osrim are not based on facts or halacha, just simply the fact that they are in the opposition camp, against r’Aron. Sad to say, the Torah has become a political football.

  7. Today,these dayanim (esp the Chassidic ones) are all trying to out-do the other in issurim and showing off how much each one knows more and better than the other;rather than first getting the honest facts.A little more scientific knowledge might be helpful,too.

  8. B”H! Something to take our minds off the economy! I’m sure the Rebonon Shel Olam gets nachas seeing his childrn finding something to fight about again!

  9. #8, the article said “However, Rabbi Laufer focuses on irrigation systems that feed water to the wheat, and finds it unacceptable.”, not that it was something “to look into”.

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