Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita Hospitalized

kaniev.jpg10:30AM EST: Maran Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita was hospitalized on Thursday after complaining of abdominal pains. According to reliable reports, testing has indicated the Rav is suffering from an intestinal obstruction.
It appears a doctor was summoned to the Rav’s home during the night, leading to the decision to transport him to a hospital.
Experts from Ichilov and Beilinson Hospitals visited the Rav in Bnei Brak’s Maynei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak to confer with physicians regarding the Gadol HaDor’s condition. After reviewing the case, including the results of diagnostic exams, it was decided to transfer the Rav to Beilinson Hospital but a final decision will not be made until another CT is performed.

tehillim21.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) Please be Mispallel for Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim ben Pesha Miriam.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. As Maran HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky SHLIT”A has written many Sforim, learning them may be a good Segulah for Refuah Shleimah.

    Also — as my father ZT”L said — ADaR (this month’s name) is Rashei Teivos for “Ani HASHEM Rofeacha.”

  2. Actually, both ADaR and IYaR are Rashei Teivos for “Ani HASHEM Rofeacha.” That is the explanation for the expression in the Musaf for (this Shabbos) Parshas HaChodesh: “HaChodesh Asher Yeshuos Bo Makifos.” Nisan is surrounded by Adar and Iyar, two months of Refuos and other Yeshuos.

  3. A note of explanation is needed. Two yuds is not a name of HaShem. Nor are they an aitzah for not having to throw the reference in with the shaimos. The first letter of the “shem havaya” is a yud. The last letter of the “shem adnus” is also a yud. Two yudin were used to remind us to have both concepts in mind when we say HaShem’s name as the Shulchan Aruch requires that we do. (The Vilna Gaon is lenient on all “sheimos” except when saying the first pasuk of kri’as shema.) Some people mistakenly use the second letter of the shem in order to avoid placing the reference into shaimos; the heh of the “shem havaya” and the daled of the “shem adnus.” The Shulchan Aruch rules that even one letter of a “shem” that may not be erased may also not be thrown out. So the two yuds of Iyar and the daled of Adar can and indeed are references to HaShem’s names and may therefore both be referring to an aspect of these months relating them to HaShem as a rofeh.

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