PHOTOS: NYC Council-Members Kick Off Re-Election Campaigns

14.jpgAs the term-limits fiasco comes to a close in NYC, many NYC Council Members who would have been unable to run for another term have recently kicked-off their reelection campaigns. Amongst them are NYC Councilman Simcha Felder (Boro Park & Flatbush), and NYC Councilman Mike Nelson (Flatbush).

The Felder party was held on February 25th at Plaza Dining, and Nelson party was this past Sunday in the The Kings Terrace.

YWN photographers Hillel Engel & Shimon Gifter were there to capture the events on photo for your viewing.

Click HERE for the Felder party, and HERE for the Nelson party.

(Eli Gefen – YWN/HPO Desk)

5 Responses

  1. Both Felder and Nelson have served us well and deserve to be re elected. Nelson has a challenger by the name of Belsky who has arisn out of no where and has produced a grammatically challenged position paper.

  2. It’s ashame that Both Felder & Nelson have a right to kick off their reelection campaigns by changing the term limits law without allowing the voters to vote on it. What right did they have to extend term limits when the voters rejected it not once but twice. Michael Nelson, Simcha Felder & Mayor Bloomberg can be the best canditates in the world but they have no right running for reelection & therefore we should send them a message by voting for their opponents.

  3. #2 dont kvetch sooo much,,,,, if the people truly dont like them then they won’t vote for them, it’s as simple as that!!!!!! and its a really stupid notion to vote for their opponents to ‘send them a message’ …… even if the opponents are not as good as good?????

  4. TO NObama
    Yes even if the opponents are not as good. Remember there are many people in this country’s history that fought for our right to vote & it is very important that we keep it & not allow our elected officials to take that right away from us. Everyone forgets that after September 11, 2001 many people wanted to change the law for Rudy Giulliani to run for a third term & the council did not allow that to happen so why should Mayor Bloomberg be any different. Bloomberg said that he wants to run again because of the tought economic times & he is the best qualified person to do that. So if that is the case maybe we shouldn’t have an election in the fall altogether. Lastly many of these council members who voted to extend term limits apparently forgot that they are only in office because of term limits as for example Anthony Weiner & Noach Dear would still be in the city council instead of Michael Nelson & Simcha Felder. Remember Anthony Weiner only ran for Congress because he knew that he would have to leave office under the new term limits law & therefore ran for another Public Position so he could continue his life as a public servant.

  5. Very nice part Simcha. I hope you raise lots of money in your quest to become a VP at Bloomberg LP.

    Oh wait… you haven’t announced that yet? Sorry.

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