Furor Over Jackie Mason’s Obama Remark

jma.jpgNew York, NY – Comedian Jackie Mason used what some say is a racial epithet in describing President Barack Obama during his act Thursday night, infuriating at least several people in the crowd.

During a performance at Feinstein’s at Loews Regency in NYC, Mason referred to Obama as a “schwartza” — some say it’s equivalent to the “N” word — others say it’s just part of the Yiddish culture and a literal translation of the word “Black.” We’re told one person walked out fuming, “He’s more offensive to the Jews than Madoff tonight.”

TMZ spoke with Mason by phone, and he was outraged at the criticism, saying, “I’m not going to defend myself. Chris Rock has told a lot more jokes about whites than I have against Blacks. What about the demeaning words Blacks say about Jews?”

Mason added, “If it’s a racist society, the white people are the ones being persecuted because they have to defend themselves.”

Mason called people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson “professional racists.” Mason added, “I’m an old Jew. I was raised in a Jewish family where ‘schwartza’ was used. It’s not a demeaning word and I’m not going to defend myself.”

And there was this parting shot: “I’m more talented than Oprah Winfrey and look at how much she makes. I can’t even make a living.”

Rev. Al Sharpton sent a statement saying: “At this stage in Jackie’s life and career he should get our prayers more than our responses. It is sad that maybe he forgot he used the same term against Mayor David Dinkins when he was elected the first African-American Mayor of New York City and got in trouble for it. As for him attacking me, maybe he forgot that he has had me on his TV show and has taken me to dinner and commended me for forgiving a white male who tried to kill me by stabbing me while I was leading a non-violent march. I’m sure Jackie just forgot.”

(Source: TMZ)

14 Responses

  1. Jackie Mason is right. Its a 2 way street. Did Sharpton forget Freddies Fashion Mart? where he called us Diamond dealers,and camera salesmen?

  2. This guy is in a lot more trouble than just using the Schwartza word. He’s a “Shonoh U-piresh. He was brought up Furm. (His real last name is Mazeh, which stands for M’zera Ahron Hakohen. He’s a Kohen. He changed is name to Mason). He has two nephews in Lakewood, both are fine Frum families. He’s gonna have to do a lot more answering than to a schwartza like Al Sharpton!

  3. minkymalka and judah dickman (#s 1 and 2) — I suppose then that you have a principled tolerance – that you felt it was something Jews should accept when we NYC was called “Hymie Town” – and that Kike too is ok. Or . . .is simply that epithets aimed at us are wrong, while epithets aimed by us are just ducky?

    You know as well as anyone that words like “schvartze” and “goyte” are used by many in our community in racially disparaging ways. Your comments indicate that you are part of the problem.

  4. Putting Jackie Mason aside, it is true that the “S word” literally means black. However, since African-Americans find the word offensive, it can only lead to Eivah, if not Chilul Hashem. I am constantly telling my children not to use the word, with little success. They often respond that their Rabbeim use it. My response: I have a lot of respect for your Rabbeim, but they too can make mistakes, and you should not emulate them in this respect.

  5. Race issues are back to where they were in the 70s with Obama as President. You cant say anything because it may offend the Holy Obama and his white momma. Gimme a break!

    He is what he is! He puts on his pant just like all other men (and Hillary, of course!) do, one leg at a time.

    Just because he is the president doesnt mean the words have to be removed from the dictionary.

    Something else to ponder…. Mason was on the radio this morning and he said there was a small crowd there – maybe 100. No one walked out. No one was upset. No one complained to him or to the management. Its just a bunch of rabble rousing.

  6. People don’t like Jackie because he isn’t liberal,has anyone ever critisied Sara Silverman?
    No that would not be PC!

  7. #8. Gevalt! First of all, Obama’s family is African… not African American. They were never slaves. Secondly, this country was built on the backs of those slaves that you so despise. Thirdly, unless you are erev rav or shevet Levi, your family were once slaves as well. Would you deny our malchus? Do you dare disparage Kind Dovid for being a so-called “son of Moav” (chas v’shalom)?

    Obama is no king. He is the democratically elected President of the United States of America. Whether you agree with his policies or not, respect the Office.

    Lastly, to all: don’t discount etymology. Words have meaning and those meanings have consequences. We are no longer living in tenements, fresh off the boat. Xenophobia like this is ludicrous in this day and age.

    One of my closest chaverim is an African American frum Jew. How do you think he would feel being called “shvatzer” by some ignorant, racist yid?

    Every human is created b’tzelem Elokim. Don’t be so high and mighty and judge others of different races and heritages. WE were slaves to Paroh.

  8. mark levin #7 – nobody walks out when the Klan speaks, when anti-semites spew their epithets, and for that matter nobody walked out when the Nazis spoke – so what’s your point?

    Racist wisecracks need to be removed not because of Obama, but because they are the product of sick thinking, demeaning and wrong – and contrary to the Mesorah as well.

    To paraphrase you, you are what you are, and that’s far less tolerant of Obama and Blacks than he is of you and Yidden.

  9. Personally, in comedy shows, I don’t mind a little racial humor, whether it’s Chris Rock talking about “crackers” or Mason talking about whatever he talks about.

    But I wonder how many people here who are crying reverse-racism or oversensitivity would be so laid-back about someone making a joke about Jews. My guess is that there would be much more of a furor.

    Me? Well, I’m not a PC person, nor am I exactly proper, but at least I’m consistent and not a hypocrite – I’d probably laugh at a joke regarding Jews.

  10. The mesorah regarding the bnei chom is pretty clear.

    The Rebbeim that disparagingly use this term are correct, and we should emulate our Rebbeim.

  11. Re 14: leaving aside the lomdus, was this to be for generations, etc., one simple point – the man is now American’s number one public servant! A servant, not a king. And at most a president, not a king.

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