Purim Surprise At Masbia: Pockets of Diners Stuffed with $100 Bills

masbia.jpgIt was a joyous Purim surprise at a Brooklyn soup kitchen.

Two big-hearted benefactors stuffed the pockets of diners at the Masbia kosher soup kitchen in Borough Park with $100 bills Wednesday, providing a small stimulus to those who need it most.

“Purim is a day for love and friendship,” Alexander Rapaport, 31, the charity’s executive director, said Thursday. “It’s a day of giving.”

Joseph Steinberg, 61, the kosher supervisor at the small restaurant-like establishment, said two Hasidic men walked in about 6 p.m. and passed around the tables, leaving folded bills for the dozen or so people who were eating their free meal.

They also gave him one, Steinberg said, and only when he got home and unfolded the bill did he realize it was a C-note.

“It was a surprise,” he said. “[The men] didn’t even let anyone thank them.”

Generous offerings are not uncommon in the tight-knit ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, said Rapaport, especially at Purim, a holiday when one of the four main mitzvahs (good deeds) is giving to the poor.

“There are so many charitable organizations,” he added. “But when you come here, you see the needy themselves.”

As he spoke, the Masbia, at 4114 14th Ave., was filling with local men and women enjoying a hot supper, complete with a cup of soup and dessert.

About two weeks ago, a Bar Mitzvah boy volunteered by serving food before his ceremony and also gave out money to some patrons, like Samuel Weisz, 61, who cares for his ailing wife and received $100.

“I told him, ‘Bless you for giving to people who need it,'” Weisz said.

But Wednesday’s holiday philanthropy still stands out, said Steinberg. He acknowledged that the $100 was the largest tip he ever got, but not the most valuable one.

“Blessings are worth more than money,” he said with a smile.

(Source: NY Daily News)

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