YWN Wishes All Readers a Freilichen Purim!

ywn.jpgPlease note that YWN will be updated throughout Purim with any major news stories, and will resume normal postings after Purim.

Please be aware, that the NYPD will have zero tolerance for intoxicated drivers, and other irresponsible driving. Extra officers have been places on the roads in heavily populated Frum communities, and although officers are fully understanding as to the festivities of the day, they will be strictly enforcing all vehicle and traffic laws.

The NYPD is also on the lookout for any groups collecting in box trucks or pick-up trucks. Any truck seen on the streets with a group of Bochrim in the back will be impounded by the NYPD – no questions asked. 


Thanks to Lakewood Police Chief Robert C. Lawson, the following intersections will have crossing guards for your safety:
Madison Ave. & 9th Street   9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Monmouth Ave. & 7th Street  9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Clifton Ave. & 9th Street   9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Case Rd. & 14th Street      9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Tanglewood & 14th St.       9:30 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
Forest Ave. & 6th Street    9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Forest Ave. & 7th Street    9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Forest Ave. & 9th Street    9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Forest Ave. & 14th Street   9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Princeton Ave. & 7th Street 9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M
Princeton Ave. & Squankum   9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Courtney & Clifton Ave.     9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
M.L.K. Dr. & Pine Street    9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Park Ave. & 7th St.         9:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M.

Please take a moment to read the following few important safety tips – courtesy of Hatzolah:

With Purim here we must remind ourselves that, though this is a Yom Tov of fun and good will to others, it is also a time when we must be extra diligent about our safety. Unfortunately, due to careless behavior and thoughtlessness, Purim often ends in tragedy. By being aware of circumstances and taking a few precautions, we can have a safe and happy Purim.

*On this day there are many inexperienced drivers on the road. Teenagers and boys home from Yeshiva, who may have licenses but very little driving experience, are all too happy to do the family driving.

*Be extra careful about obeying traffic regulations. In our rush to distribute the Mishloach Manos we often make serious misjudgments. 

*Be alert to the fact that, in their excitement, children may not be careful when crossing the street. Always be on the lookout for youngsters jutting out from in between cars.

*Being that we are constantly in and out of the car, we may be less careful about buckling up.  Remember – most accidents happen within close proximity of our homes. Even if you will be driving only a short distance, all occupants of your vehicle must be seat-belted!

*If you suspect that someone has been drinking alcohol, by no means should you allow him to drive. Never permit your children to get into a car that will be driven by someone who may have been drinking, no matter how it may inconvenience you.

*If your son is going to be collecting Tzedaka on Purim, please do your homework. Make sure that the group he will be going out with will be carefully monitored and will follow a specific set of rules that will ensure his safety. This should include strict prohibitions about drinking alcohol, a responsible adult to make sure that the boys are not reckless when darting through traffic, positively no standing in the back of trucks or vans with open doors and no riding on the outside of vehicles.

Wishing all of Klal Yisroel a happy, healthy and safe Purim. And remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Make sure to take your cameras, and snap some photos to be posted in the YWN Purim Album – which will I”H be posted after Shushan Purim. All photos should be submitted to [email protected]

YWN Editor and staff.

10 Responses

  1. Be aware that leaving packages in front of one’s door may be an invitation to burglars.
    Neighbors: If you see an accumulation of packages, perhaps notify your neighbor that you’re taking them in.
    Friends: If you notice your recipient is not answering the door, perhaps come back another time or deliver it after Purim.

  2. “Suffering from a Hangover”

    Top 10 Hangover RemediesEveryone Should Know.

    Now you’ve done it and it’s official, you have a hangover. Now what? No matter what you do sleep and water or juice should be included. There are many folk cures that are supposed to help cure a hangover. Many of them will help you cope by replenishing the vitamins and liquid you lost over night, while some like avoiding caffeine are very important to a quicker recovery. There is no one size fits all cure, find what works for you but the list below is a good place to start. There are also a few suggestions from readers who found their own way to cope.
    Difficulty: Hard
    Time Required: As long as it takes to feel better.
    Here’s How:

    1. Sleep. Rest is your best friend at this point to give your body a recover. It is best to stay in bed so call in to work if you have to, tell them you have the stomach flu. You will sound so horrible on the phone they may believe you (unless they saw you at the bar, not a good idea then).
    2. Replenish your body with fruit juice and water.
    3. Avoid caffeine. A weak cup of coffee may be okay but a lot of caffeine will continue to dehydrate you, the opposite of what you want right now.
    4. Drink orange juice for Vitamin C.
    5. Drink a sports drink like Gatorade or Powerade.
    6. Eat mineral rich food like pickles or canned fish.
    7. In Poland, drinking pickle juice is a common remedy.

    9. Take a shower, switching between cold and hot water.
    10. In Ireland it was said that the cure for a hangover is to bury the ailing person up to the neck in moist river sand.
    11. Try Alka Seltzer Morning Relief. One reader says that it’s all that he and his wife have found that really works for them. He stumbled across this “cure” while his wife was still suffering after two days, within 15 minutes after taking the Alka Seltzer she was fine.
    12. Get some exercise. Another reader suggests doing some sort of physical activity. He writes, “In the rare case of having hangover I usually drink about 1-2 liters of water and go outside to do some exercise like mountain climbing, swimming, cycling or just about anything that keeps me sweating.” It takes willpower to move like that when standing seems like a challenge, but it is a good theory.
    13. The side effects of aspirin, Tylenol and ibuprofen can be magnified when alcohol is in your system, so it is best (even though it may be the first thing you reach for) to avoid them to kill the hangover pain. Aspirin is a blood thinner, just like alcohol, and can intensify its effects and Tylenol (or acetaminophen) can cause more damage to your liver. Ibuprofen can also cause stomach bleeding. So be cautious when going for the quick relief.
    15. As an antidote, one reader takes a little extra multi B vitamin and drinks a lot of water before going to sleep.

  3. 5, that was clearly a reprint (as seen from reference to Gatorade), want to say from where so you won’t have to bear responsibility for any mistakes, etc?

  4. As an addendum to #5: taking medication containing Acetaminophen (Tylenol) after drinking alcohol, especially when drunk, can cause permanent liver failure. This would not only mean no more drinking, it could well mean no more Purims. Don’t even think about it.

    Also, anyone who gets drunk after reading what #5 wrote is so thick-skulled that he can fulfill “Ad d’Lo Yadah” without any assistance.

    AM I CORRECT??? NO.it’s your poor eyesight. You are seeing up-side down because you had too much wine Make your next eye doctor appointment for next Purim.

  6. NEXT TIME P L E A S E let us know these items in advance, so that we can post them in our shul B4 PURIM, and other such occasions. A FREILICHEN PEERIM.

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