NYC: 25,000+ Protest Outside City Hall

p1.jpgIt was a tough go for commuters near City Hall this evening as protestors flooded the streets to voice their concerns over the state and city’s proposed budget cuts.

Organizers say 25,000 – 50,000 people showed up to take part in the “Rally for New York” demonstration.

Union leaders and members began gathering shortly before the evening rush calling on state and city lawmakers to rethink proposed budget cuts to education, health care and social services.

Protestors could be heard chanting “we will not be defeated” and “not on our backs” and say banding together will make a big difference.

“The people have the power. Elected officials know that we care and that we vote them in, not the other way around,” said one participant.

“I’ve been here since 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I rushed down from my school just to be here, even though it’s cold, I’m freezing but we’re here,” said another participant.

In reference to Wall Street, union leaders say they would like to see New York’s wealthier taxpayers bear some of the burden instead of the middle and working class.

Due to the number of protestors, Broadway was reduced to one lane southbound. Several side streets surrounding City Hall were also closed off to accommodate the crowds and traffic.

(Source: NY1 / WCBSTV)

2 Responses

  1. Mr. Maya, if you would listen to me I would tell you to kill all of the unions, DESTROY THEM!!!!! They are costing us plain New Yorkers too much in taxes.

  2. The unions, originally organized to oppose employer abuses, have now become the main abusers of employers–one extreme begetsn the other.

    Now, the teachers unions blaock all serious educational reform and all voucher aid to yeshivos; the hospital unions block quality improvements and efficiency reforms in hospitals, and government unions prevent all of the above.

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