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NYC Terrorist Deported to Sudan

te.jpgA Black September terrorist convicted of placing three powerful car bombs in New York City in 1973 has been sent to Sudan after completing his sentence and being deported by the U.S. government.

Khalid Al-Jawary, 63, was flown out of Denver International Airport on Thursday and arrived Tuesday in Khartoum, said Carl Rusnok, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman.
Details of his deportation were released to The Associated Press after Al-Jawary’s federal escorts had safely left the volatile country that has been a haven for terrorists such as Osama bin Laden.
Al-Jawary ended up in Sudan after Algeria initially agreed to accept him but then reversed course, setting off a scramble to find a country that would take the aging terrorist. It’s unclear why Algeria ultimately decided against taking Al-Jawary.
Al-Jawary wanted to be deported to Jordan, where his family lives, but the country apparently would not allow him entry.
Federal officials said he had dual citizenship with Jordan and Iraq.
Al-Jawary was released last week and placed in immigration officials’ custody after serving about half of his 30-year sentence.
He was convicted in 1993 of planting the New York City bombs, which failed to detonate. His deportation came 36 years to the day after he placed bombs in two cars on Fifth Avenue and a third at JFK Airport timed to coincide with the arrival of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.
He has always denied involvement in the bomb plot, and his identity has always been a mystery.
Al-Jawary claims his real name is Khaled Mohammed El-Jassem, and says he’s a 61-year-old Palestinian refugee. The federal Bureau of Prisons had listed his age as 63.
But Al-Jawary had many aliases and was an expert in forging passports before he was finally captured in 1991 while passing through Rome, where British intelligence spotted him. A hardened terrorist, he never cracked in prison and refused to give up information that might have shortened his time behind bars.
He once bragged in a jailhouse interview with an Arabic-language publication that he would eventually disclose his many secrets.
An Associated Press investigation revealed that Al-Jawary may have been involved in a murderous letter-bombing campaign, the bombing of a 1974 TWA flight that killed 88 people and had links to a dangerous terrorist named Abu Ibrahim, who is possibly hiding out in Iraq.
(Source: NBC New York / Associated Press)

3 Responses

  1. Why did he not have to serve his entire sentence before being deported? I’s not as if he cooperated with authorities, and gave them any information; they don’t even know his real name and age.

  2. Only one terrorist deported?! There has got to be hundreds more. Did they ever think of raiding Islamberg located in Sullivan County in the Catskills mountains!?

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