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‘Rush Job’ Being Guided From White House?

rushn.jpgTop Democrats believe they have struck political gold by depicting Rush Limbaugh as the new face of the Republican Party, a full-scale effort first hatched by some of the most familiar names in politics and now being guided in part from inside the White House.

The strategy took shape after Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville included Limbaugh’s name in an October poll and learned their longtime tormentor was deeply unpopular with many Americans, especially younger voters. Then the conservative talk-radio host emerged as an unapologetic critic of Barack Obama shortly before his inauguration, when even many Republicans were showering him with praise.

Soon it clicked: Democrats realized they could roll out a new GOP bogeyman for the post-Bush era by turning to an old one in Limbaugh, a polarizing figure since he rose to prominence in the 1990s…….

The YWN Coffee Room has the rest of this article from POLITICO, and can be viewed by clicking HERE.

11 Responses

  1. Rush is an entertainer. He’s not a politician.
    The Republican politicians are wisely waiting to see what happens since if the economy (and country) are in good shape in 18 months, they don’t want to be perceived as having been so clueless as to oppose beyond limited principled opposition, and if the country is falling apart they want to be in the position of saying “I told you so” while not appearing to have sabotaged Mr. Obama. Some of Rush’s positions (being pro-nativist) alientated many conservatives (no matter how much a conservative you, you don’t support someone who wants to deport you).

    Had McCain or Romney won, the policies wouldn’t be all that different. The Treasury reflects the political center. Restoring liquidity (as in printing money) is the only know solution to a massive recession (or depression) to have ever worked .

    In the meanwhile, enjoy the show. It’s more humorous than the economic news.

  2. Akuperma, once again you have got it wrong.

    Rush, although very entertaining, is by no means an “entertainer”. He is a serious conservative scholar with a radio audience with the size that reflects his great insights and his take on the happenings of our great country.

    The libs can’t blame GWB any more while he is out of the limelight so they have chosen Rush who has given them talking points. That’s all it is.

    This will backfare as I am sure that Rush’s listening base will grow exponentially due to the fact that they are making him headline news.

    As BHO’s radical agenda becomes clearer (with the stimulus being used as a prop to enable numerous liberal agendas that the American people do not want), more and more people will become disenfranchised with the “change” they voted for. You wil see a massive groundswell toward Republicans and Conservatives in a couple of years in the midterm elections.

  3. I don’t think it’s gona work. A lot has happened since inauguration, which seems political-years ago, and a lot of even democrats lost their reverence of Obama.

  4. charliehall [4],
    You can say your opinion, as wrong as it is, but don’t say no can argue on it.
    There were millions of people who voted for McCain on the basis of economics…

  5. “deeply unpopular with many Americans, especially younger voters.”

    Of course. The “younger ones” are the ones who voted Obama in to office.

  6. I think the Democrats should keep on attacking Rush. They will only prove his point which is that they refuse to argue their ideas on their merits. They can’t!

    Keep up the good work Rush!

  7. charliehall,

    I am surprised at you. You know what the full quote was from Rush – not the contrived Obamanation quote.

    Here are some Rush quotes so the lefties read it from the source:

    “If Obama’s policies ‘work’ — quote, unquote — you won’t recognize the America in which you live. The federal government will control the means of production, which is a key part of socialism. Why, in the name of God that created this nation, would I want that to succeed?”


    “There is no economic recovery legislation. Obama just says that’s what it is. He wants to depress the economy, so you’ll accept higher taxes, less freedom, and bigger government. I want lower unemployment and prosperty for all! I want the country to succeed.”

    On the Inauguration Speech:
    “There were parts of that speech I really loved where I thought he was sounding like Ronald Reagan — and then, of course, it ended up with the usual campaign rhetoric. If Obama’s going to be supply side like Reagan, I hope that succeeds. I don’t hope socialism and spending and tax increases succeed.”

    And finally, from the Hannity interview on Fox:

    HANNITY: Coming off record-ratings year for you, but you are a passionate conservative. You’ve defined conservatives for many people in this country for years. He represents the antithesis in terms of his worldview. So then the question becomes: Do you want him to succeed?

    RUSH: Now, this… (turns to camera) I am so glad that he asked me that question. (turns back to Hannity) I am so glad that you asked me this question.

    HANNITY: I’m glad to. (chuckles)

    RUSH: I’ll tell you why. I am hearing many Republicans say that very thing. “Well, we want him to succeed,” and prominent Republicans! “Yes, we want him to succeed.” They have laid down. They have totally. They’re drinking the Kool-Aid, too. They have no guts to stand up for what their beliefs are because they’re afraid of criticism. They’re afraid of being called racists. They’re afraid of not having gotten with the program. Now success can be defined two ways. I said earlier, “I don’t know about this guy.” I really don’t. I’ve got my suspicions and they’re pretty close to convictions, but we’re going to have to wait to see what he does. Now if he turns out to be a Reagan, if he adds Reagan to his recipe of FDR and Lincoln —

    HANNITY: (laughing)

    RUSH: — and if he does cut some taxes —

    HANNITY: Yeah.

    RUSH: — if he does not eliminate the Bush tax cuts, I would call that success. So yes, I would hope he would succeed if he acts like Reagan. But if he’s going to do FDR — if he’s going to do The New New Deal all over, which we will call here The Raw Deal — why would I want him to succeed? Look, he’s my president. The fact that he is historic is irrelevant to me now. It matters not at all. If he is going to implement a far-left agenda… Look, I think it’s already decided: a $2 trillion in stimulus? The growth of government? I think the intent here is to create as many dependent Americans as possible looking to government for their hope and salvation. If he gets nationalized health care, I mean, it’s over, Sean. We’re never going to roll that back. That’s the end of America as we have known it, because that’s then going to set the stage for everything being government owned, operated, or provided. Why would I want that to succeed? I don’t believe in that. I know that’s not how this country is going to be great in the future; it’s not what made this country great. So I shamelessly say, “No! I want him to fail.” If his agenda is a far-left collectivism — some people say socialism — as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?

    See charliehall, he wants the SOCIALIST POLICIES TO FAIL as do millions of people UNLESS they have something to gain from getting money from the Govt then they want more and more.

    One more thing, get off the high horse with the “middot” thing. Its entertainment and zeh hu! He shows absurdity by being absurd since thats the only way some people could understand it.

  8. These “younger voters” are apt to age dramatically in the next two years.

    As far as Rush goes – How childish the White House has become. Now we see where their energies are going. Instead of focusing on running a country of 300 million people they have time to strategize against a lone individual on the radio. It’s like an airline pilot watching the movie instead of watching where he’s flying. Are they crazy?

  9. Washington,

    It doesn’t seem like the White House is doing much strategezing against Rush beyond an offhand remark from Obama, some words from Emanuel, and a reiteration of their messaging from Gibbs at their press briefings. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which launched the website mentioned in the article, is a separate entity. If you look at President’s daily schedule, which you can find on the website the article was linked from (sidebar here: ), he looks like he’s plenty busy meeting with both economic and foreign policy advisers.

    Also, I think you minimize Rush’s impact by calling him “a lone individual on the radio.” Rush’s show is the most widely listened to talk radio show in the country, reaching 14.25 million listeners.

  10. some_jew,

    Your point is well taken. However you can be sure that the three of them are talking quite a bit about this privately. And I’m sure its not only the three of them.

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