Argentine Court Seizes More Property of Iran Diplomat Suspected in Jewish Center Attack

court hammer1.jpgBuenos Aires – An Argentine court has ordered a second seizure of property owned by a former cultural attache at Iran’s embassy in Buenos Aires who is sought for his alleged role in a 1994 terrorist attack.

A judge has approved prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s motion to seize five more buildings owned by Moshen Rabbani due to his alleged role in a bombing that flattened a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires and killed 85 people.

The judge approved the seizure of six buildings in November.

Nisman told The Associated Press that the action is part of a survivor’s suit for $1 million in damages.

If Rabbani is convicted, his property would be auctioned and the money would go to the victims of the attack. His whereabouts are unknown.

(Source: Associated Press)

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