The Rosenbergs Searching for Rebbitzin Holtzberg’s HYD Diamond Ring

moshe.jpgThe parents of Rebbitzin Rivki Holtzberg HY”D who was murdered in the Mumbai attack are searching for their late daughter’s diamond engagement ring.

The story surrounding her Shabbos dress and ring have circulated around the world, explaining how she handed the ring and dress to an unknown Jewish woman who became entangled in criminal activity and using the garments, was able to evade authorities and make her way back to Eretz Yisrael.

Rav Shimon Rosenberg, Rivki’s father, explains that his late daughter explained that after examining the situation, she understood she was compelled to permit the woman to flee India, explaining it was a matter of ‘pidyon shvuyim’. She further explained that by wearing her Shabbos dress and wearing the diamond ring, Indian authorities would relate to her as a woman of stature and permit her to travel, unsuspecting of her true identity.

“Now it is time for the woman to return the good deed and do a mitzvah and return the dress and ring.” The items he explained are not extremely valuable in their own right, but the sentimental value is immeasurable and has called on the woman to come forward and return the items belonging to Rivki.

In a related matter, thousands of photos have been recovered attesting to the activities of the young couple, Rav Holtzberg and his rebbitzin HY”D, providing the parents the memories that were destroyed when a terrorist bullet penetrated the hard disc of the office computer in Mumbai. The Holtzbergs and Rosenbergs were devastated at the loss of the computer containing all the photos, but now, there is photo testimony to the actions of the young Kedoshim prior to their untimely deaths.

The badly damaged hard disc was given to a Tel Aviv company that specializes in digital date recovery, but a successful outcome was not expected. Last week, the parents received a call to come, to see first-hand the documents and photos providing an insight of the holy life of the young shluchim during recent years.

As the bereaved parents looked at the photos, the lives of the young couple unfolding before their eyes, they burst into tears, along with the employees of the high-tech firm.

“When Moishele grows up and asks ‘where are my abba and ima’ these photos will provide him with some memories of the sweet years and the holy work of these tzaddikim,” stated R’ Rosenberg.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Your story is extremely moving. The Holtzberg Kedoshim should never be forgotton.
    In paragraph 5, it should read “Data Recovery” rather than “Date Recovery”

  2. #1 , i understand your wish , however, its unreasonable. moshele will get to know the people around him and become integrated with their lives.he has loving grandparents and they will assure a proper upbringing for the boy. personally, i dont think his memory for his parents will remain for a long time , considering the age that the tragic event took place. he probably will still be close to his nanny , until he reaches maturity , upon which he will have fond memories. he was cut off from his parents, h’y’d’ by vicious and known terrorists.and by a miracle , like moshe rabeinu survived. lets hope he grows up to be a great tzadik like his parents.

  3. the email that was circulating (or atleast the one i got) also said that the lady who she gave the ring and shabbos dress to came to the rosenbergs to return the items. any idea which story came first/ which is true?

  4. the email that was circulating (or atleast the one i got) also said that the lady came to the rosenbergs to return the ring and shabbos dress. any idea which story came first/ which is true?

  5. The past issue of the Country Yossi Magazine brings down the story stating that the woman came to the mother on her own and told the mother of how she got the ring and the dress from the Rebetzin in order to escape the Indian authorities. The Rebetzin’s parents said that when they asked the Rebetzin where her ring was, she replied “it’s on a shlichus.”

  6. Sadly, we tend to believe that super acts of chesed and mesirus nefesh are only stories of the past. What an amazing couple and what great chizuk we should take from these olam habah yidden!! A LESSON FOR US ALL!

  7. There were stories in several different websites that stated that the woman had come to the shiva house and returned both the dress and the ring to the mishpacha

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