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Vigils Planned at 2 Queens Hospitals

emergency2.jpgMidnight vigils were planned at two hospitals in Queens.

Mary Immaculate and St. John’s hospitals will stop accepting patients at midnight. There just isn’t enough money to keep them open.

Many people in southwestern Queens said they are concerned about where they will get care.

They’ve lost three hospitals in 2 years.

(Source: MyFoxNY)

4 Responses

  1. If the business doesnt make money, it doesnt have to stay in business. Unfortunatly we now live with a “gimme” attitude where everyone wants handouts from the govt. Of course this is how socialism starts which is how far left the democrat party has stooped.

    Somewhere JFK valgirt zich in kever!

  2. Health care should never be privatized.

    I firmly believe that certain public services such as health care and public transportation should be run by – or on behalf of – the government without intending to make a benefit on them. These are essential services which every citizen needs, regardless of their socio-economic status and health insurance.

    In this regard, the US has a lot to learn from countries like Israel and most European countries, where basic health care is free and/or obligatory. An Israeli citizen is always insured for basic health care services, without choosing for it. For more advanced care plans (such as those including dental care, more than basic perinatal care and care in private hospitals) one may need to pay more (for example, Maccabi Zahav, which I have).

    This system works perfectly fine in Israel and just about all of Europe, and there is no reason why it shouldn’t work in the US.

    I have read too many stories about uninsured poor people in the US who simply cannot afford health insurance, cannot afford medications, and suffer from untreated medical conditions because they do not have to money to acquire proper care.

    Any Jew who reads about such a situation should cry about it.

  3. Daniel,

    Privatized healthcare has proven to be more responsive and better for patients than governmental healthcare (ala Canada and Europe.)

  4. Are there other hospitals near by? This is very sad! which hospital will the current patients be transferred to?

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