Massive Chinuch Habanos Asifa Sponsored by Irgun Shiurai Torah & Kol Kevudah

irgun1.jpgA massive Chinuch Habanos gathering is planned for this Sunday night March 1 in answer to the call of our leading Rabonim & Roshei Yeshivos, The entire communities of Boro Park & Flatbush are looking forward with great anticipation towards this long awaited unique gathering for mothers.

Irgun Shiurai Torah & Kol Kevudah have prepared a rich program of inspiring speakers who will be guiding thousands of mothers with effective methods we can use to help us empower our daughters to overcome the challenges of tznius in today’s society.

Divrei Brocha will be heard from Rebbetzin Kanievsky (recorded), Divrei Chizuk will be presented by the Klausenberger Rebbetzin. The noted guest speakers will be Reb. Ruth Assaf, Reb. Baila Kviat & Mrs. Faigy Zelcer who is traveling in specially from Montreal for this vital event. A special panel comprised of Reb. Esther Reisman, Reb. Chumie Weiss, Mrs. Pearl Altschuler, Mrs. Sarah Rivka Kessler, & Mrs. Simie Korn will be answering important Tznius questions. Reb. Esther Ledereich will be delivering Closing Remarks and Mrs. Devoirele Blau will serve as Chairlady.

Among the Gedolim urging mothers to attend this vital meeting are the Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Aharon Schechter, Rav Yechezkel Roth, Rav Moshe Wolfson, Rav Yosef Harari-Raful, Rav Yitzchok Stein & Rabonim from all Kehilos of Boro Park & Flatbush. The gathering will take place at the Bais Yaakov High School Auditorium 4420-15th Ave at 8:00 PM promptly.

Askonios of Irgun Shiurai Torah & Kol Kevudah are working tirelessly to prepare for the massive crowds that are anticipated. Two floors are being prepared for this event to accommodate the overflow crowds. All school principals sent out letters urging all parents to participate, therefore Askonios are urging everyone to arrive as early as possible in order to find a good seat. A minimal admission charge of $5 is requested to help defray expenses. A special free gift will be presented to all participants, the newly released book Daughters of Dignity.

This event is partially sponsored by the Sicherman Family Foundation & Safety Fire Sprinkler.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. May I respectfully suggest that the Roshei Yeshiva have another gathering for young men in shidduchim. They can explain to them that good wives and mothers don’t necessarily have to be thin, pretty/made up, and up on the latest fashions. They can explain to them what are the important qualities they should be looking for in a spouse. Perhaps if some of these bochurim change their attitudes, it will help our young ladies overcome the challenges of tznius today.

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