NAACP Wants NY Post Editor And Cartoonist Fired

p3.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The head of the nation’s oldest civil rights organization urged readers to boycott the New York Post, calling a cartoon the tabloid published an invitation to assassinate the president.

Earlier this week, the newspaper apologized to anyone who might have been offended by the image, which some say likens President Barack Obama to a violent chimpanzee gunned down by police in Connecticut.

But the apology wasn’t good enough for the NAACP, and President Benjamin Todd Jealous said the cartoon printed Wednesday was ”an invitation to assassination.”

He said the tabloid should remove editor-in-chief Col Allan, as well as longtime cartoonist Sean Delonas.

“The New York Post’s decision to publish a blatantly racist cartoon comparing our commander in chief to a dead chimpanzee is absolutely unacceptable, especially given the historic racist stereotypes of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys,” the NAACP posted on its web site.

On Thursday, after a series of protests by notable figures including director Spike Lee, the paper posted an editorial on its Web site saying the cartoon was meant to mock the federal economic stimulus bill, but ”to those who were offended by the image, we apologize.”

A spokeswoman for the newspaper Saturday referred The Associated Press to the paper’s editorial when asked about the proposed NAACP boycott.

Jealous called the editorial ”a half of an apology, without elaboration.” The drawing, he said, ”picks off the scabs of all the racial wounds.”

The NAACP officials said that if the Post does not take ”serious disciplinary action,” they would reach out to organizations across the country to join them in their efforts against the tabloid.

Bond called publication of the cartoon ”thoughtlessness taken to the extreme. … Anyone who is not offended by it does not have any sensitivity.”

(Source: CBS2 HD)

18 Responses

  1. rediculous!!!! i’m going out today and buying 4 NY posts to support their sales!!! i never buy or read the post, i’ll throw it out, but just to prove a point!!!

  2. NAALCP as well as The Justice Bruthahs (Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson yemach sh’mom) deserves NOTHING. They are a bunch of ignoramus rabble rousers. Thier being completely ignorant of American law is not the fault of the Post or anyone else.

  3. Strange, when a movie was released titled “D.O.A.P – Death of a President” 2 years ago, which actually showed President Bush being assassinated, no one said to boycott hollywood, or that it was “an invitation to assassination.” But I guess assassinating Bush was acceptable because he was a conservative. But don’t you dare utter a disparaging word against the black messiah or even publish a cartoon that involves monkeys. Their hypocrisy is astounding.

  4. Just remember this all fits into the Obama plan to get the “fairness” doctrine (aka RESTRICTED SPEECH) in place. All this is despite their claim of not being for it. I dont beleive it and I think they will try to put SOMETHING in place to restrict speech. Lets keep in mind this isnt only toward radio but it goes for WEBSITES and BLOGS too.

  5. Some of the leaders of the protest are:

    1) Al Sharpton – Blood of seven innocent minorities on his hands (Freddy’s Fashion Mart arson, where he protested a “white interloper” in the neighborhood, leading a deranged man to burn down a store), an innocent policeman’s life destroyed (he Brawley hoax), numerous anti-semitic statements (“diamond merchants”, “pin back your yarmulkes”), and many, many more. A truly evil and vile individual.

    2) Charles Barron – he “just wanted to smack a white person” for his “mental health”, inviting one of the worst human-rights abusers and racists in the world (Robert Mugabe) to city hall, etc.

    3) Rev. Herbert Daughtry – supported naming a street for racist (“I don’t just hate Jews – I hate all white people”) and kidnapper Sonny Carson, author of many anti-semitic comments as well.

    4) Eric Adams – The least objectionable of the group, but still one who looks to find fault and racism, as well as a consistent basher of the NYPD.

    These characters are a disgrace to those who risked life and limb as they fought for civil rights and against real racism in the 50’s and 60’s.

    I think the Post was mistaken for apologizing. If the carton had been racist, it would have been inexcusable. This, however, was just the usual suspects looking for attention, attacking a right-wing paper, and attempting to cow the press from future comments mocking President Obama.

  6. Guess what!
    I don’t even get the whole cartoon! I can’t seem to draw any connection to the monkey and the stimulus bill other than the monkey represents Obama! Would they have depicted a George Bush as a monkey? I don’t think so! Could somebody please explain the joke to me because I can’t see how this is NOT a racist piece.
    For the record: I am not one of these politicly correct people and I hold that Sharpton and Jackson are trouble makers. But this time, it seems that they are correct. Could someone please enlighten me?

  7. Any who thinks this carton is about President Obama and his assisination is ignorant. The Post should not give into African-American bullying.

  8. Remember the cartoon of mohammed wearing a bomb-turban. These cartoons reflect IDEAS,not personal assaults.People who are unable to think get offended.

  9. #7 – Just do a google image search for “bush as a monkey” without the quotes. you will get 1.6 million results. This cartoon, while not well thought-out was not meant as a jab at the president. It was meant as a jab at democrats in general and more specifically congress and the senate.

  10. ithink – go back to school and take a us civics course all over again, the congress writes the bills, not the president!!!! do you get it now????:

  11. As a frum Jew the cartoon was 100% racist,the knew what they were doing.A disgrace for the post. NOW. the post should be put out of bussiness b/c its a liberal rag.#2 It invites assasination,#3the black protesters are 100% hypocrits aS MENTIONED IN A BLOG BEFORE ME.Against Pres. Buch they said nothing .The Post is dirt shebedirt. Anti patriotic .anti American antisemitic filthy sheet for dumb Liberals

  12. ithink, let me help you. In a nutshell… the House draws up the bill and before its even voted on, it has to go thru a committee. Once it passes the committee it is brought to the entire House. If passed, it is sent to the Senate. The Senate rewrites the bill how they want it – they add their own pork – and it is voted on by the entire Senate. If it passes the Senate, they have joint meetings to get the final language of the bill at which point the House votes on it again and then the Senate. At this point IF it is passed, it goes to the president for his signature making it a law or he vetos it. In the USA, the President DOES NOT write the laws! The monkey was referring the the members of the HOUSE and SENATE and moreso Pelosi & Ried. The Justice Bruthahs are NOT correct for one second!

    12, this wasnt racist. Get that out of your head! Not every monkey connotates a racist “joke.” Truth be told they could make racist comments if they want but the PC’niks out there wouldnt like it too much.

    13: You are so incorrect I dont know where to begin so in no particular order here we go. The cartoon WAS NOT racist for all the reasons I noted above as well as in comment #2.

    The cartoon does NOT “invite assination” any more than any news story about killing the monkey invited monkeycide.

    You are wrong that the press didnt say anything bad about President Bush. If thats what you think, I am wondering which planet you were on since Bush won the 2000 election.

    “The Post is dirt shebedirt. Anti patriotic .anti American antisemitic filthy sheet for dumb Liberals.” The Post may have its faults for z’nus as well as leaning toward not always reporting about yiddin in a favorable light hwoever they are NOT “anti patriotic” and they are not “for dumb liberals!” Opinionwise The Post is a right leaning paper beleive it or not and thier stories lean right as well.

    Finally, what does the “frum jew” have to do with this? It either was or is wasnt. In this case IT WASNT RASICT no matter who you are or what your religous beliefs are.

  13. But face it, Obama represents the bill. Everybody looks at it like Obama’s crew is responsible for the bill. It’s a technicality that the masses -and I don’t mean frum jews – aren’t necessarily familiar with. Plus, WHAT DOES THE MONKEY THAT WENT HAYWIRE HAVE TO DO WITH THE STIMULUS BILL. Just that the bill writers also went crazy? This is a far fetched and stupid cartoon.

  14. Without discussing the content of the cartoon, freedom of the press does include racist comment, but also the right to protest them and boycot those who make such comments. That is equally protected. The Bill of Rights gaurantees that they will not be criminally prosecuted unless they are inciteful.

  15. 15,

    We are not debating the merits of the cartoon as it relates to the story. Personally I would have done a better cartoon but they didnt ask me.

    The FACT however is that the monkey DID NOT refer to the president no matter how much those who like to scream racism are screaming. When they scream like that it makes them look like a different animal! (A big fat donkey!)

  16. !)There were many insulting cartoons depicting President Bush but he never went on a witch hunt. He just rose above it.

    2) I have searched the cartoon for any indication that the intent is for it to depict the President and I cannot find it. It is clearly drawing on the incident recently in the news of the chimp havaing to shot by police to save a person who was being attacked.

    3) All the racist conclusions are being pulled out of a vaccum by people who are determined to find them.

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