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Follow The Crowds To Welcome In The Shabbos!

1.jpgIn the three years since its inception, the Likras Shabbos Erev Shabbos learning program has developed into a force of over 500 talmidim kein yirbu, comprised of over 35 groups in over a dozen cities across North America. This winter alone, Likras Shabbos added over 20 learning groups in cities as diverse as Lakewood, Toronto, and Mexico City.

Likras Shabbos is a comprehensive three year program where boys ages 9 to 13 learn and get tested on six of the most common Hilchos Shabbos topics. Currently, the program’s limud is Hilchos Bishul.

These weekly shiurim are held approximately 45 minutes before the zman hadlaka. The participating boys eagerly prepare and get dressed for Shabbos early in order to voluntarily partake in this exciting and fulfilling event.

The shiurim are based on the renowned sefer “Meorei Halacha” The Halachos in these seforim have been approved by the batei dinim of Rav Nissim Karelitz and Rav Shmuel Wosner. Meorei Halacha is very detailed and child-friendly; all Halachos are brought to life with easy to understand photographs.

All Likras Shabbos Rabbeim are paid capable Rabbeim who go to great lengths to articulate these complex Halachos, the myriad Halachic terms, as well as their practical application, with a legendary simcha. The talmidim very actively participate in and debate the shiurim on Halachos that are typically seen as suited for much older bachurim.

As an added bonus to the true simchas Hatorah exhibited by Likras Shabbos participants, the boys are treated to a weekly array of exciting refreshments and prizes for learning and reviewing the Halachos.

This exhilarating ruach is topped off with an unrelenting dedication by Likras Shabbos’ mechanchim to ensure that the Halachos learnt remain a “kinyan olamis”. A comprehensive chazara program is an integral part of the Likras Shabbos curriculum. The current Hilchos Bishul learning cycle is set to be completed the coming Shavuos iy”h, with an exciting grand siyum for all Likras Shabbos participants slated to be held after the summer.

In response to overwhelming demand, Likras Shabbos is tailoring their program to enable new groups to begin mid winter. The many talmidim who’ll iyh join the program in the coming weeks will get a chance to complete the Halachos at the end of this cycle and participate in the siyum.

For more information about forming or joining a new Likras Shabbos group in your neighborhood, please call the Likras Shabbos office at (732)363-0669, or at [email protected]

4 Responses

  1. I think this is beautiful and look forward to my younger son being old enough to join our local group. I also think that boys should get bonus points if they’ve helped for Shabbos first. (Or perhaps that should be a requirement.)

  2. Tzippi,

    Not perhaps, but they should not be allowed to go to the LS group UNLESS they help prepare for Shabbos BEFORE they go.

    Even the holy tana’im and amora’im – as well as gedolim of later generations – helped prepare their homes on Erev Shabbos.

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