Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff Appointed Rov of Agudah of Avenue L

l1.jpg10:00PM EST: After months of hard work searching for a Rov to lead the Agudah of Avenue L (Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin), the Shul has chosen their new Morah D’asra, Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlita, who is currently the Rov of K’hal Bais Yisroel in Minneapolis.

Rav Lieff replaces Rav Pinchos Breuer Shlita, who moved to Eretz Yisroel a few months ago.

Rav Lieff attended Yeshivas Kol Torah in Yerushalayim, where he studied under the Posek Hador, Hagon Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZATZAL, and received Semicha & was a close Talmid of Maran Hagon Rav Shmuel Berenbaum, ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshivas Mirrer Yeshiva in New York.

Rav Lieff has addressed hundreds of events across the nation as a guest speaker, is known as one of the Magidei Shiurim on Dial-a-Daf, and Torah Tapes, and has been the Rov in Minneapolis for the past 19 years.

Rav Lieff has received a Bracha from Maran Rav Chaim Kaneievsky Shlita and other Gedolim that he should have much Hatzlacha in his new position.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

25 Responses

  1. What does it mean that he was appointed? Does it mean that he will be the new Rov? Is there a difference between appointed and accepted? From what I heard, he hasn’t accepted the position and this news announcement may be misleading. Please research the information and report the accurate news.
    Yasher Koach!

  2. In Minneapolis we are now ysomim.New York and the Yeshiva world have many rabbaiim and gedolim. We had Rav Lieff our link ,and now he is leaving.I pray that the gedolim understand the impact that will have here.Perhaps we need to change and grow.I wish him well.

  3. This is grada a groysa zach. Mamish a nebuch and shtarka maysose for the Minneapolis kehilla. Mazal Tov oon asach nachas to Rabbi Lieff and the choshova kehilla on Avenue L. May the Minneapolis kehilla be gebenched with asach mazal in finding a nayer Rov.

    -Reb Yiddele

  4. This is truly a great loss for the city of Minneapolis. When the Rav came the city was a swamp of ignorance, which the Rav transformed into a city of Torah. Rabbi Lieff has done so much for the city. The city lived through the Rav. The city of Minneapolis is now truly a Yasom.

  5. I know rabbi Lieff for 30 yars . he was my Chavrusa in the Mirrer Yeshiva and he was the most normal person i met. very learned and veltish also. He actualy was offered the position 10 years ago before rav Breuer but declined it the last minute because he received a P’sak from Rav Shmuel Zt”l to stay in Minneapolis. He accepted it now after much deliberation with Gedolei Yisroel. The Agudah is very “lucky” to have a Rov like this. Much Hatzlocho!

  6. While HaRav Lieff has built the Minneapolis community to an exciting degree over the past 19 years and he will be sorely missed, lets not denigrate the situation 20 years ago. The community then was no “midbar” or “swamp of ignorance”. The community had supported a community Kollel for many years which had established many shiurim that continued even when the Kollel dissolved. There were many chashuve baalei batim who were kovea itim l’Torah every evening and morning, and Sunday the beis medrash was full for a most of the morning.

  7. I had the Z’chus together with my father Shlit’a of being one of the first 10 people to daven when the Agudah of Ave. L first opened Shabbos Chanukah 23 years ago as a small narrow store front. We had the merit of having Rabbi Yitzchok Isbee Ztl lead us, as we began to grow into the most thriving Shul in the Flatbush Community. A big Yasher Koach to Rabbi Pinchos Breuer Shlita for continuing the legacy the past 10 years and truly look forward to the arrival of Rabbi Lieff Shlita. Its a unique opportunity for us all & the entire Flatbush Community should not take for granted. Mazal Tov & Hatzlocha.

  8. Minneapolis has an outstanding yeshiva, Torah Academy, which has been a place of chinuch for children the last 30+ years. Excellent rebbaim, hanalah, and children taught bderech hatorah.

    A Baltimore Seed program used to come and run a torah camp every summer, a midbar or swamp it never was.

  9. I also davened at the Agudah that Shabbos Chanuka 23 years ago.

    I’m delighted for all of Flatbush.

    Rabbi Lieff, Shlit”a will iy”h be a wonderful reinvigorating presence in the area.

    Bracha V’hatzlacha

  10. It’s very unfortunate that he is leaving our community. He will be missed greatly! The Rabbi and Rebbetzin (morah beila) have made this community what it is today. Our community was never a swamp or midbar and that person has clearly never been to our community. Hatzlacha in NY!

  11. Who is going to be the next rabbi? Minneapolis is going to miss Rabbi and Rebbetzin Leiff. I am upset that someone posted a comment about Minnesota being a swamp or a midbar. I think is wrong that someone said that without ever being in Minnesota because if they were in Minnesota, they would never have said that.
    Minnesota has the best school in America. It has the best dean, Rabbi Ginsberg who knows how to run a school.
    A proud Minnesotan

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