One Suspect Released in Japan Drug Investigation

mishtara2.jpgThe attorney for suspect Yisrael Eisenbach reports his client has been released in the ongoing investigation pertaining to the involvement of Israelis in the Japan drug smuggling case.

According to the attorney, the suspect was released after the court found problems with the evidence presented, giving police 24 hours to verify information or release the suspect. It now appears that the defendant was indeed approached to act as a courier, as is the case with the three bochrim sitting in a Japanese prison, but he declined the offer. It appears that at one point he was in Japan, contributing to the confusion by police.

It was added that he was released unconditionally, apparently released of any hint of suspicion in the case. The second suspect, Bentzion Miller (resident of Yerushalayim), believed to be the mastermind of the plot, remains in incarceration.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

19 Responses

  1. so now because he was released it’s “very easy” to just erase any negative thoughts about mr/rabbi eisenbach…..what about all the people who read the first article and may not read about his release..who gives anyone the right to talk negatively about someone and then turn around and say whoops my mistake!!?

  2. The rov of bnei brak, rav launda stated yesterday on the radio that you are allowed to publicize their names.

    i also asked my rov yesterday,and he said there is no shaila whatsoever.

  3. #2 – that was when it was believed that he was a criminal and a rosho. Now its believed that he is innocent, and not everyone will know

  4. What happened to all the people who wanted to hang him yesterday. They assumed the boys in Japan are innocent and Eisanbach was guilty. Do not make an opinion until this all plays out. Everyone assume the boys are innocent dupes I have a hard time beliving it. They might have guested they were carrying counterband but did not have any idea it was drugs.

  5. What was Eisenbach doing in Japan?
    Just stam touring the Great Wall, attending the Olympics,or doing supervision for a kashrus organization?

  6. Clearly, a lot of folks seem emotional about this story but are short facts. Be patient a it will become clear. Don’t judge any side, names or institutions. Urge, Tefilla and calm at this point.

    B’nachas, Please.

  7. Even if you are alowed to say lashon hara about the real people who did it, why are we all so desperate to speak lashon hara?!? Now the guy who was released has this bad name. let’s wait patiently until they know who did it forsure!

  8. #6, AMB, the man is innocent, unless you can prove it otherwise.

    Daven for these boys:

    Yoel Zev ben Mirel Rissa Chava
    Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel
    Yosef ben Itta Rivka

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