Andrew Cuomo boasts a 32-point lead over Gov. David Paterson in the latest Quinnipac poll out Tuesday.
Cuomo isn’t stretching his lead necessarily by anything he’s doing; the governor is still reeling from the Caroline Kennedy fiasco that ended when Paterson appointed Kirsten Gillibrand to fill Hillary Clinton’s vacated Senate seat.
And his recent announcement of a record budget deficit of $15.5 billion probably isn’t earning him much support either.
Even though Cuomo hasn’t announced a 2010 gubernatorial run, he would beat his fellow Democrat Paterson 55-23 in the hypothetical primary poll.
But in a general election contest, Cuomo’s lead over Rudy Giuliani is smaller — 51-27 — and Paterson and Guiliani would tie at 43.
The poll surveyed more than 1,000 New York State registered voters over a six-day period and has a margin of error of +/- 3 points.
(Source: NBC New York)