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Miracle on NCSY Shabbaton / Ski Trip

ywbn14.gif[Friday 3:30PM EST] Boone, North Carolina – Just moments ago, the Yad Hashem was openly seen when a charter bus packed with frum teens heading on an NCSY Shabbaton, was involved in a major accident with no-one getting hurt.

The bus which was full of teenagers from the South Florida area, was travelling to Boone, North Carolina for a Shabbaton & skiing trip.

The bus was travelling on a small road, just a few miles from the Ski Resort, when it suddenly lost its brakes while on a sharp turn. The driver lost control, and the bus went down an embankment and crashed into the side of a mountain.

Bichasdei Hashem, all 50 passengers walked off the bus unharmed.

Sources tell YWN that a total of 4 buses were travelling together, and the 3 other buses are currently unloading at the resort, and are returning to the crash scene to pick up the 50 passengers.

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(Dov Gordon – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. My daughter, an NCSY advisor,was a front-seat passenger on this bus, and as such, a first-hand witness to this nes. B’chasdei Hashem, what could have Chas Veshalom been an unthinkable tragedy, was an inspirational experience for one and all.
    May everyone have a good Shabbas and may Hakadosh Baruch Hu continue to watch over His children.

  2. pay attention people…as we get closer to the geula, the Yad Hashem will only become more and more apparent. for someone looking for it, it’s all around. start packing!

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