NO SURVIVORS in Continental Airliner Crash – Jewish Woman Confirmed Dead

34071.jpg12:05AM EST: UPDATE & VIDEO LINK BELOW: An aircraft identified by Erie County Executive Chris Collins as a Continental Airlines flight crashed into a home near Buffalo, N.Y., Thursday night.

A local television report said the plane had as many as 50 passengers on board.

It was just after 10:20 p.m. when the plane, believed to be heading towards the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, crashed into the home on Long Street in Clarence Centre, a small community just northeast of Buffalo.

Neighbors said the plane – which appeared to be a small propeller plane – came in loudly and lower than normal, before it hit the house with a loud bang.

A woman and her daughter said to be living in the home made it out uninjured and were at a neighbour’s house. A man also lived at the house, but it wasn’t clear whether he was hurt or not.

Sources said 10 people were hurt, but it wasn’t immediately clear if anyone died.

Collins said that there were 50 people aboard the plane and crew members had reported mechanical problems as they approached Buffalo Niagara International Airport. Several injured people were taken from the scene to Erie County Medical Center for treatment.

UPDATE 1:12AM EST: Emergency officials confirm to YWN that there were no survivors in the plane crash outside of Buffalo, NY. Initial indication is there were 44 passengers, four crew and one individual on the ground among the dead.

Misaskim units are currently in Newark Airport, and are awaiting the list of names of the passengers aboard the flight. They are working hand-in-hand with the FAA, Port Authority PD, NYSP, Continental Airlines, and Emergency Officials on the ground at the scene of the crash. Additionally, Hatzolah of Toronto has been activated should their services be needed, and the local Jewish FD Chaplain is responding to the scene as well.

YWN will bring you additional information as soon as it becomes available to us.

VIDEO LINK: Click HERE for video footage taken at the scene moments after the crash.


“Earlier tonight, Continental Airlines Flight 3407, operated by Colgan Air Inc., crashed just miles outside of Buffalo Niagara International Airport after departing from Newark Liberty International Airport. The devastating crash took place at approximately 10:20 p.m.

“Forty-four passengers were killed along with four crew members and at least one person on the ground, according to New York State Police. A team of emergency responders and aviation officials are still evaluating the situation and working to gather as much information as possible. The aircraft involved was a Bombardier Dash 8 Q400.

“As we continue to monitor the situation in the Town of Clarence, our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who were on board, and with the people of the Buffalo metropolitan area. We will work closely with law enforcement and aviation officials to give families, loved ones and the public updated information as it becomes available.

“Families and loved ones seeking information should call Continental Airlines’ emergency information number at (800) 621-3263.”

UPDATE 12:32PM EST: YWN has learned that a Jewish woman by the name of Susan Wehle was aboard flight 3407. She is reportedly the cantor at the local reformed temple.

The following info is from the Temple’s website:

Cantor Susan Wehle has been serving Temple Beth Am of Williamsville, NY since November of 2002. Prior to that she was the Cantorial Soloist at Temple Sinai (Reconstructionist) of Amherst, NY for 9½ years.

She is the mother of two sons, one who is currently producing a photographic essay in Israel, and the other who is attending the University of Vermont – Burlington. Susan resides in Amherst.

UPDATE 12:36PM EST: Although there are other “Jewish sounding names” aboard the flight, there has been no confirmations as of this time. The Misaskim organization is closely working with federal, state, and local officials on this incident. 

(Sources: The Buffalo News / WGRZ)

14 Responses

  1. Just a note: It was NOT a regular Continental Airlines flight. It was a Colgan Air flight which was Operated as a Continental Connection flight.ANd it was a Dash 8 which is a 70 pass Propeller plane.

  2. (The comments about the speed of the news was informative – It added value. It gave new information – that YWN delivered the news in a very rapid manner. I did not know that they could report a major news item like this 40 minutes before the NYT.)

    The typical “oy vey”, “nebach” etc comments, however, add no value whatsoever. There are tens of thousands of readers of YWN. Do the posters think that they are the only people that feel bad when a tragedy strikes? Perhaps 70,000 people should post with the comment “Oy” every time there is bad news. It is pointless – particularly when most posters, myself included, post with a screen name but not a real name. Is it really useful when “anonymous” posts “Oy Vey”?

  3. #7 you really are grumpy…those posters feel a need to express their hurt while all others may hurt in silence. The loss of any Jew is a terrible thing and for those with a simple need to express their sorrow I say nothing is wrong with that…. if anything members of the persons family may get comfort in the words of others…..lighten up!! Rest in peace Susan Wehle.

  4. Is there some kind of message when one of the most prominent spouses of a 9/11 victim dies in such a tragic way, making the story even more difficult to watch. Ironically Yesterday was the Daf Yomi of Baba Kama 46. The last time we studied that daf as part of the daf yomi cycle was on Sept 11, 2001

  5. #10 What prominent spouse of a 9/11 victim are you talking about? I didn’t hear or read anything about that. I don’t see it in the article above. Could you please give some information about this. Your comment about the Daf Yomi is very interesting. There’s a reason and connection to everything. It’s amazing.
    Anyway, we should all only hear good things from now on.

  6. The typical “oy vey”, “nebach” etc comments, however, add no value whatsoever. There are tens of thousands of readers of YWN. Do the posters think that they are the only people that feel bad when a tragedy strikes? Perhaps 70,000 people should post with the comment “Oy” every time there is bad news. It is pointless – particularly when most posters, myself included, post with a screen name but not a real name. Is it really useful when “anonymous” posts “Oy Vey”?

    Comment by GrumpyOldMan — February 13, 2009 @ 10:35 am

    grumpyoldman…..the Griz( r yitzchol zev soloveichik) says iyov was punished w extreme suffering his whole life, midah kineged midah, bec when paroh decreed all the jewish boys to be thrown in the river as advised by bilam, iyov, an advisor to paroh in his own right remained silent. iyov thought to himself, better remain silent now bec there is no advantage to arguing with his decree, bec he will not change it, rather ill keep my mouth shut now, and in the future ill be able to have a say when paroh will be less strong minded. so with such a good cheshbon why was he punished so harshly? The answer is, when your in pain, u scream!!! withOUT a cheshbon. your finger gets caught in the door as it slammed shut, do u scream?yeh. why? does it relieve your pain? No, rather u scream bec it hurts!!! iyov should have screamed cause it hurt to hear the decree, even with a ganz fayn cheshbon, when it hurts, u scream. yiddishe neshamos amongst many other tzelem elokiem were taken away from this world through a tragedy, families will be in pain forever… lets feel each others pain, and cry with them. through the achdus may we be zoche to binyan bais hamikdash bimhayrah.

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