Lieberman at the Kosel – Shas: It’s Pathetic

lk.jpgYisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman on Monday made a visit to the Kosel, placing a kvitel in the wall.

When asked what his expectations are, he responded with a grin stating “To get to the wall”. He stressed “I have one message, without loyalty, there is no citizenship”.

Responding to the visit, Shas responded angrily, stating “We suggest that the kvitel he put in between the stones of the Kosel ask for mechila for his desire to open pork stores and destroy Jewish marriage. This is a visit to that which remains from the Beis HaMikdosh and not a tennis court. The visit is pathetic.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. If he had a hirhur teshuva, Nu! But unfortunately we all know where he’s headed. He could be our president’s associate! So sad that there are so many who will vote for him!

  2. Niether shas nor any of the religious public (myself included) should be so haughty as to think we can decide who has a right to go to the kosel and who does not.

    The kosel belongs to all Jews, religious and non-religious alike. When Shas wants to use the kosel, or any other symbolic person or place, as a prop it is ok, but for Lieberman it is not ok?

    The Kosel belongs to us all, Lieberman included. Baruch Hashem he felt something that urged him to go daven at the Kosel once in his life (maybe he goes often, I have no idea, but even if it was just this once).

  3. Now you know why 100% percent of secular Jews in Israela and 50% of the frum Yidden HATE Shas.

    Since when are the the bale batim on what kind of Yid is allowed to put a bakasha into the koisel for Hashem?

  4. Although I am disgusted with his distorted views on religious issues, I have to say that out of all the candidates, Lieberman was the only one who had the guts to say that the Arabs should leave E.Y. if they continue with their violent acts towards Jews. Not one candidate has expressed this. Kol Hakovod to him.

  5. Maybe that’s what the Mashiach is waiting for…for Ashkenazim to treat the Sephardim with some degree of respect..every time Shas comes up these readers display some sort of illness…maybe thats what he’s waiting for. Pork and the Kotel ? Does that make sense to you? Kindergarten kids realize this is hypocrisy.

  6. Col Yiroel Areivim Zeh baZeh.

    The strong desire to have a choice is a sign that the yid is alive. Bechira is what makes us human. When every yid CHOOSES to keep the Torah, that will be a tremendous nachas ruach to HaShem. Until then, those of us who understand the value of what we have, are obligated to be showing others, BY EXAMPLE, the refinement, and beauty that Torah brings. If we dress as G-d fearing Yiddin, and then act rude, aggressive, or insulting, we are telling others that the Torah encourages rude, aggressive or insulting behaviour.

    Torah is not just a privilege.
    It’s also an obligation.
    If you were blessed with a life of Torah and Mitzvos, you are an Ambassador for the Torah. Your actions affect others.
    You can inspire others, or try to intimidate and control them.

    When was the last time YOU were inspired by something being forced down your throat?

    If we are offending others, they will reject the Torah we represent. If we are inspiring others, they will beg to learn from us.

    We make choices every time we choose to put others down or build them up.

    Yimaley Hakadosh Boruch Hu Col mishalos Libeinu… L’TOVA.

  7. #3 Do you not believe that Lieberman is as much my brother as is the Chacham?

    So why is it that you are allowed to denigrate any Jew who disagrees with you, even if he is MY (and your) brother?

    I do not think he is using the koisel as a tool rather, I will follow chazal who say Yisroel maminim bney maminim and that includes him too. He wants to win and is maimon that he is on the right path and is seeking a broicha at the koisel.

    What is so hard to understand about that?

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