Sudden Petira of 21-Year-Old Elchonon Tzvi Kramer Z”L

candle1.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the sudden & tragic Petira of HaBochur Elchonon Tzvi Kramer Z”L on Motzei Shabbos.

Sources tell to YWN that 21-year-old Elchonon was doing his daily exercise on a treadmill in his Flatbush home, when he suddenly collapsed. Family members called Hatzolah who arrived on the scene instantly.

Hatzolah Paramedics tried frantically to save his life, but he was R”L pronounced dead upon their arrival at Kings Highway Hospital.

Family and friends are left in shock and disbelief, as their family member and Chaver was suddenly plucked from amongst them without any warning.

Misaskim officials worked with the NYC Medical Examiner to ensure that no autopsy would be done, and a Levaya is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, 12:00PM, at Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel (Chofetz Chaim), East 35th Street between Avenues K & L.

Elchonon is the son of R’ Yisroel & Karen Kramer (from New York Avenue) and is a Talmid at the Bais Medrash of Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

18 Responses

  1. Elchonon was a unique ben torah, who spent specific time on midos growth and mitzvohs ben adom lechevra. Tremendous loss for his family, his yeshiva & klal yisroel.

  2. I was zoche to have had known Elchonon z”l for quite a few years. He was a camper of mine several years back and more recently, I serve as a Shoel umaishiv in the bais medrash where he learned. He was the sweetest boy…always a big smile on his face…tremendous masmid and talmid chochom…tremendous baal middos tovos…a big baal madreigah, always working on himself, trying to perfect his bein odom lachaveiroh and bein odom lamakom…the “ari shebachabutah”…The maspidim at the levayah really captured in words what this holy neshamah was. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant a nechama to his family and the entire yeshiva. We are all so broken.

  3. sruli and karen. Hamokom yenachem eschem. bsoch shoar aveila tzion verushalayim. you should only now from simchas. your friend George. from L & L.

  4. Elchonon was a bochur in our Yeshiva. He was always with a smile. He always greeted me with a good morning or a hello even though he hardly knew me. He really made a hachono for his petira in that he was in the yeshiva until 9:00 p.m., shortly before his neshama was taken back to its creator! May his parents, siblings and chaveirim have nichum in knowing that now he is with the Borei Olam, a much better place. May we be zoche to have him back real soon, b’vias Moshiach bimhayro.

  5. Barouch Dayan Haemes
    Hamoko ye nachem eschem besoch shar aveiley tzion veyerushalyim,
    You should only hear good news from here on
    May his holy neshama be melitz yosher for his fmaily friends and all of klal yisroel

  6. We are posting on one of the most tragic boards ever put on this site, yet, people do not refrain from arguing about inconsequential petty matters. It is ironic that a person leaves more of a mark after his/her death than during their lifetime. I attended the same yeshiva as Elchonon and although I was a mere acquaintance, it was easy to see that he left an indelible mark on those around him. He was someone who embodied all the unique traits of a true friend,role model, and yeshiva boy. It is such an unfortunate circumstance and as oppose to defacing his message board with petty matters we shuld try and stop that nonsense.

  7. I am still numb. Elchonon, you were it!!! The best are always snatched up early. Please look down upon us and guide us in every right way. I’ll never forget!!

  8. I have the recordings from the levayah, and I’ll gladly send it to you if you give me your e-mail,; or if you tell me how to upload it and put it s/w online.

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