Bring Gilad Home! New International Grassroots Effort Launched

gilad.jpgThe National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) today launched a worldwide grass roots effort aimed at bringing Israeli MIA Gilad Shalit home. People are encouraged to go to to join the international effort to help secure Gilad’s freedom.
On July 25, 2006, then-18-year-old Gilad Shalit was captured by Hamas terrorists. Now, more than two-and-a-half years later, Gilad is still being held captive in Gaza.
NCYI Executive Vice President Rabbi Pesach Lerner noted that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert recently told United States Mideast envoy Senator George Mitchell that the crossings in and out of Gaza will not be opened for anything other than humanitarian aid until a solution is reached concerning the safe return of Gilad Shalit. According to Rabbi Lerner, this is a step in the right direction. “It is critical that Jews around the world let Israeli leaders know that we support keeping the Gaza crossings closed until Gilad Shalit is released,” said Rabbi Lerner.
Visitors to are urged to call, fax, and send letters to Israeli leaders on a daily basis. The website provides contact information for Israeli government officials and representatives in Israel and in the United States, a sample letter that people can fax, e-mail, or send via regular mail, and sample wording to use when calling Israeli leaders.
“The pain and anguish that the Shalit family has endured for the past two-and-a-half years is indescribable, and concern for the health and well-being of Gilad Shalit is shared by Jews around the world,” said NCYI President Shlomo Z. Mostofsky. “Our Israeli leaders need to hear from all of us how critical it is that they continue making Gilad Shalit’s release a top priority, and how crucial it is that they take a hard line approach and keep the Gaza crossings closed pending Gilad’s safe return home.”

(YWN Desk NYC)

One Response

  1. question:

    do you think this will be counterproductive??

    to show the terrorists how much we want him back??
    they will want more and maybe chas veshalom not even send him home??

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