Petira of Rav Noach Weinberg ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshiva of Aish HaTorah

candle731.gif3:30AM EST: YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira (passing) of HaRav Yisroel Noach Weinberg ZATZAL, founder & Rosh Yeshiva of Aish HaTorah.

Rav Weinberg was R”L recently diagnosed with the dreaded illness, and was Niftar in his sleep on Wednesday night (Thursday morning).

For the past 50 years, Rabbi Weinberg dedicated his life to helping countless Jews around the world connect to the beauty and wisdom of Torah, and is responsible for making thousands of Baalei Teshuva.

The Levaya & Hespeidim will take place at the Ahavas Torah Shul in Kiryat Zanz (as the Aron is not allowed to be brought into the Old City as per HaRav Neventzal) at 1:30PM IL, and will then proceed to Har Menuchos for Kevura.

nw.jpg[Aish HaTorah is attempting to arrange a phone/video hookup which comes out to be at
6:30 am EST for those who cant attend the Levaya.]

Rabbi Noah Weinberg was born in 1930 in New York and learned in Yeshivas Rabbi Chaim Berlin (Brooklyn, New York) and Ner Yisrael (Baltimore, Maryland).

May we all be comforted in this great loss for his Rebbetzin, his family, and extended Aish HaTorah family and Klal Yisroel.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

37 Responses

  1. Boruch Dayan Ho’Emmes. A Giant (with a capital G) in spreading Torah has left us. His ability to reach out, with such a tremendous sense of humor, is unparalleled. Mee Yitein Temuroso

  2. The tears are flowing.
    We thought he would beat this terrible illness.
    We were wrong.

    To all the cousins, extended family, and the thousands of talmidim all over the world:

    Today we all cry together.

    u’macha haShem dim’ah may’al col panim.

  3. THis is a very sad day for my family, myself and klal israel. I knew the Rabbi and his wife personally for the last thirty years. They had a great influence on my families life over the years.

  4. Baruch Dayan emes.
    I am berefit.
    Klal Yisroel lost a leader. Rabbi Weinberg was a man who had a vision and went after it, unlike most people who just talk.

    I joined Partners in Torah because a woman from Aish wouldn’t give up and finally convinced me. I have grown so much in these 6 years.

    What will we do without him?

  5. AS one of the earliest talmedim at what was then Yeshivas Shma Yisroel, I came in 5733 (Jan. 1973), I owe more to “Rav Noach than I have words for. Along with all his talmidim I join his family and all of Klal Yisroel in mourning for this special nishama that HaShem sent to us

  6. I am very sad to hear this. I owe a big debt of gratitude to Rav Noach z’l. Although I never became a full fledged Aish associate, I did learn a lot from Aish & Aish people. I eventually became frum, went to Yeshiva for a number of years & continue to try to keep Torah & mitzvos as best I can!

    I listened to almost all Rav Noach’s tapes on the 48 ways to acquire Torah (from Pirkei Avos).

    He was a visionary.

    He screamed & yelled about assimilation & then actually did something about it!

  7. What a sad day for Klal Yisroel. He was a tremendous influence on our entire family (the Rebitzen is my cousin) and to all who needed a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen to. His kindness, chesed, and Ahavas Yisroel will be sorely missed.

  8. Baruch Dayan Emes – I think back nearly 30 years to when I first came across Aish in Yerushalayim – to my first 48 Ways tapes – my first ever Torah tapes. His influence on me was profound – his influence on the Baalei Teshuvah movement and on the entire Klal was so tremendous. I will miss him and his resonant “Rocky Balboa” tones; “The alef is . . . “

  9. I will always be effected by the visit of Rav Weinberg and 40 other Rabbis to the concentration camps in Poland. The film that was produced from this trip touched me to the very core of my being. Rav Weinberg’s view on assimilation is to take strong action, to do everything possible to return Jews to Yiddishkeit.

    His loss is profound. May his contributions to serving Hashem continue to be a Bracha for K’lal Yisroel

  10. Baruch dayan emes. If it weren’t for this great man, I probably would be frum, married to a jewish woman, with yiddishe kinderlach in heimishe school. The world has lost a true leader, a game changer. I was zoche to be on a partners trip many years ago.R weinberg spoke of the power of one – an individual with focus, dedication, and H’s help can singlehandedly change the world. The rav could make such claim, because it is exactly what he did. With his passing, the world is left with a massive void that cannot be filled. We can only daven that klal yisroel continue to create yechidim with the kind of vision R Noach had.

  11. Baruch Dayan Emes.

    What a unique tzaddik who will very much be missed. He had a special way of teaching over a lesson that made it easily memorable and helpful in one’s mitzvah observance and hashkofah. He is responsible for getting me on the right track and, in turn, me passing on his words to others I have come across to help them understand and then do.

  12. Just look at the melucha he built up. He had a plan of how to reach many yidden. It didn’t work the 1st time; he changed his business plan and look at the peiros that it has brought to Klal Yisroel. Look at what ONE MAN accomplished in his life. He should be a meilitz yosher for all of his talmidim and K”Y who were brought close to Torah and he should be an inspiration for the rest of us to work for K”Y in any way we can. Like someone said, he went and did something about the problems and challenges he observed. We can share in his work! BD”E.

  13. Baruch Dayan Emes – Rav Noach was an extraordinary visionary. He never veered from his mission. His legacy will be in the thousands of people whose lives he influenced, both directly through yeshivas Shema Yisroel, Ohr Somayach and Aish HaTorah, visitors to his website, people learning kiruv skills through his outreach programs, and many many more ways. It is fair to say that Rav Noach and the Lubavitcher Rebbe have left the largest imprint of K’al Yisrael and outreach. Both were proactive, and hopefully will advocate for the entire K’al.

  14. Baruch Dayan Emes from an Aish alumnus. Oy lanu! He was one of the greatest of our times. I still remember the sweetness of his 48 Ways classes in the small classrooms back then. Even though I had been raised with a modicum of Yiddishkeit, my eyes were opened for the first time to the geshmak of Torah, the greatness of human beings, the depth of wisdom that is the heritage of every Yid.

    Goodbye, Tzaddik VaRosh. Please be meilitz for all of Klal Yisroel in these dark days before the Geulah Shleima.

  15. I don’t know why it got edited out of my comment — I tried sharing with you all that Aish has an affiliate website,, with many helpful materials for people who want to help bring Am Yisrael closer together — which should be everyone. I think this was R’ Weinberg’s foremost message in his life and we must continue to raise the banner especially now.

  16. Baruch Dayan Emes. Even though I never learned in Aish HaTorah, I have been involved in Kiruv work for 28 years and consider myself a Talmid of Rav Noach.

  17. Att: Comment 22
    “If it weren’t for this great man, I probably would be frum,”

    You mean… f it weren’t for this great man, I probably would NOT be frum,

  18. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
    I cried today for the loss of a great role model and inspiration in my life as well as for countless Jews all across the globe and for a dauntless and valiant leader.

  19. The hespedim can be heard on Kol Haloshon by dialing 718 906-6400

    On the main menu, enter 815

    These are the order of the speakers

    Rav Simcha Weinberg (son)
    Rav Asher Deutsch (son-in-law)
    Rav Meir Zvi Bergman (Rosh Yeshiva Rashbi Bnei Braq)
    Rav Avigdor Neventhal (Rav of Old City)
    Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch (Rosh Yeshivat Slobotka)
    Rav Chaim Uri Freund (Rosh Yeshivat HaRama)
    Rav Yehoshual Eisenstein (Rosh Yeshivas Yad Aaron)
    Rav Yitzchak Berkovits (Rosh Kollelim Linat HaTzedek)
    Rav Chaim Feinstein (Rosh Yeshivas Beis Yisroel)
    Rav Yosef-Hillel Weinberg (son)

  20. Boruch Dayan Emes.
    Besides for everything mentioned here, he was “ah geshmacker Yid”. Always with a smile. A R’ Noiach smile. He seemed to have a true simchas hachayim. As he takeh should’ve had, with all the people that he was mekarev. But who can’t use some more zechusim? Let’s learn at least one mishneh a day durin shiva, sheloishim etc. leiluy nishmosoi. If we help him I’m sure he’ll help us by being a mailitz yoisher. Wow, what a loss.

  21. Hespeidim for Rav Noach Weinberg ZT”L,
    Rosh HaYeshiva Aish HaTorah Yerushalayim
    Sunday evening February 8, 2009 at 8:00 pm.
    Yeshiva Ohr Yitzchok ~ 1214 East 15th St
    bet. Avenues L&M, ~ Brooklyn NY

    Hespeidim will be given by Gedolei Yisroel.
    Ezras Nashim will be available.

  22. B”EH, Kol Haloshon hopes to carry the hespedim Live on the phone at (718) 906-6400

    On the main menu, press * to hear LIVE shiurim.

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