Bye Bye, Blago: Senate Removes Gov From Office

blag1.jpgThe Illinois Senate has voted. Rod Blagojevich is no longer governor of the state of Illinois.

One by one, senators unanimously voted to remove him from office after Blagojevich made an impassioned closing argument earlier in the day.  Two-thirds of them were required to convict.

One by one, senators spoke about corruption, the need for change in the state government and bemoaned the fact that Blagojevich never took the stand or sent a lawyer to participate in the impeachment trial.  No one spoke in his defense.

One of the best quotes came for Sen. James Meeks, who hearkened back to Blagojevich’s own words.

“We have this thing called impeachment, and it’s bleepin’ golden, and we’ve used it the right way,” Meeks said, to laughs in the Senate gallery.

Now, a second vote will take place on whether Blagojevich will ever again be able to hold public office in the state.

(Source: NBC Chicago)

6 Responses

  1. Correction: It is the “Illinois State” Senate that voted…, not the “Chicago” City Council or Senate (which does not exist).

    Humor: Perhaps it was the “Ill Annoy State” Senate.

    More Humor: I am happy to live in the State of Illinois (abbreviated as IL, like Israel), and am sorry for those living in Pennsylvania (abbreviated PA, like the brothers of Hamas, Ymoch Shmam VeZichram).

  2. Illinois and honest government????

    That’s as believable as New York City and frugality, or the Yankees relying on their farm system for new players, or finding a parking space in Boro Park.

  3. I’m funcused! Will somebody please enlighten me! Wasn’t Clinton also impeached? (That mechutzef even responded later that day to a reporter when asked how it feels to be impeached, said he, “Not bad! Actually pretty good!”)
    Clinton wasn’t removed from office! Why Blagojovich?
    Also, why was he removed before having been convicted? Isn’t a man (who isn’t Jewish a la Rubashkin) considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? This hasn’t yet happened!

  4. #4: Yes, Clinton was impeached (brought to trial before Congress), but he wasn’t convicted. Blagojevich was convicted unanimously by the Illinois Senate, hence his removal from office.
    Technically, I don’t think any criminal charges have been brought against Blagojevich, and if they are and he’s brought to trial, then yes, he by right is innocent until proven guilty by a jury. However, one doesn’t have a fundamental right according to the constitution to hold office, so Congress has the power (through votes) to impeach, and also to convict.

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