Agudath Israel Leader Testifies in Rubashkin Federal Court Hearing

zwiebel.jpgCEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA – United States District Judge Linda Reade ruled this morning that the embattled former CEO of the Agriprocessors meatpacking concern in Postville, Iowa, can be released on bond if he meets certain conditions.

Another judge had denied Sholom Rubashkin bail, based in part on his reasoning that Mr. Rubashkin’s Jewishness made him a flight risk in light of Israel’s “Law of Return,” which grants automatic citizenship to any Jew wishing to reside in the Jewish State.  The invocation of that point raised strong objections from many corners, including Agudath Israel of America.

Mr. Rubashkin has been in federal custody since November 14.  Now he will be a free man as he awaits his trial, currently scheduled for September.  He will have to promise to appear at all court hearings and his trial; post a bond of $500,000; surrender his passport and those of members of his family, as well as his birth certificate; submit to electronic monitoring and pay costs for the same; limit his travel to Allamakee County.Iowa; have no contact with potential witnesses in his trial; and not visit the Agriprocessors plant.

The ruling was hailed by Mr. Rubashkin’s attorney, Guy Cook, who said that “Judge Reade protected” his client’s “rights today.”

Agudath Israel’s executive vice president, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, who was part of a rabbinical delegation that visited Mr. Rubashkin in Dubuque County Jail earlier this month, testified by telephone at this morning’s hearing in support of Mr. Rubashkin’s bail request.  He emphasized that the continued detention of Mr. Rubashkin was deeply troubling to the full spectrum of the community.

“It is gratifying that the federal district judge recognized how profoundly offensive it was that Sholom Rubashkin was being kept locked up in jail pending his eventual trial,” said Rabbi Zwiebel.  “As Mr. Cook told me when the good news came through, justice and prayers have prevailed.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Important factors:

    The original ruling was by a “magistrate”, who is a civil servant who exercises judicial powers in minor matters (such as bail requests) subject to complete review by a “judge” (appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate). The ruling by the magistrate would have been very troubling if it had been by a judge, but it was by a magistrate and was promptly reversed. A ruling on a matter of law by a real judge is a precedent, whereas one by a magistrate is not.

    Also note, the the United States Attorney is an executive branch employee, and plays a major role in bail requests. It isn’t clear if the Obama administration endorsed the Bush administration’s opposition to bail. That would be interesting to know.


    if you realy want to be proud of chaim dovid then let him do something for the HARD WORKING PARANTS who have to pay tution. let him come up with a solution for that problom.

  3. Now let’s get Bernie Madoff locked up and Jonathan Pollard freed.
    Let’s not forget the Jewish prisoners held by our enemies around the world.

  4. #6 askan I’m not negative , I’m just stating the facts. the agudah hides behind the wall of separation of church and state. there is so much that can be done just in new york state to solve this problem , yet the agudah refuses to get involved because to them it mite not be politically correct.

  5. Yosse,
    Apparently you are not so familiar with askanus nor the facts. If Reb Chaim Dovid or anyone else like him was able to magically remedy the tuition problem, they would. No one is trying to make HARD WORKING PARENTS work harder. Rabbi Zwiebel and his colleagues are hard working parents too and pay tuition just like you. The fact they are involved in areas of klal work other than tuition is not an indication that they are not working tirelessly on that front as well. The Agudah has numerous capable staff members who focus full time on school funding and your bitterness doesn’t make anyone’s financial situation. And BTW, it has nothing to do with church and state.

  6. thank you you are real asken its good to know that their someone who cares especily when it comes from agudath yisroel

    keep up your good work

  7. my mistake
    Comment by aronsc — January 28, 2009 @ 12:01 am

    since you feel that i don’t know what askanus means , please tell me.

  8. i know reb chaim dovid for over 25 years
    his kibud av was extraordinary! his learining & davening & middos have earned him the z’chus to be in a position to help all the yidden he does help.

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