Mobile Alabama: ‘Dangerous Domestic Terrorist With Bombs’ Who Targeted Synagogue Arrested

ywbn119.gifNBC 15 News reports that police have arrested a man believed to be a domestic terrorist.  The investigation began January 5, when a local synagogue was spray painted with Nazi markings.  Mobile Police are not making an official comment yet, but sources within the department say they got a very dangerous man off the streets, just in time.

Words of hate were spray-painted all over the Congregation Tree of Life synagogue three weeks ago. They are markings that shocked its congregation. Member Barbara Morgan couldn’t believe it.

Sources within the Mobile Police Department say the culprit was a domestic terrorist. They say the markings were not a joke.

Police sources tell us they when investigators arrested their man, they found bombs inside his home, and during questioning, he refused to talk. Sources say his motives extended way beyond spray-painting Nazi markings.

NBC 15 News is not naming the man because police are not confirming his identity. However, according to jail records, this man was arrested last Thursday for possession of explosives and criminal mischief.

(NBC15 News / YWN-Lipas)

6 Responses

  1. Mobile is in Alabama, not Alaska.(The email alert got it wrong).

    Editors Note: Our apologies. It was initially posted as Alaska, and subsequently changed after realizing we had made an error.

  2. Visit our Messianic synagogue in Mobile, Alabama, a congregation of Jewish and non-Jewish believers in Messiah Yeshua.

  3. Commenter Nr. 3 ~ Some terrorize with bombs, some terrorize with avodah zara.

    If you want real, full-blown messianic and not the lightweight stuff, then become a Noahite or go through Torah-observant conversion. Gashmius is too short and precious to waste on idolatries.

  4. Thank you YWN for reporting this piece which is a great cause of concern for anyone who can make the minimal mental step and realize that this perpetrator of antisemitism could have drastically affected any identifiably Jewish institution.
    B”H he has been detained prior to his nefarious plans becoming reality.
    LaHashem HaYeshua

  5. Leave it to derangement and impaired faculties that a person should mistakenly identify an xian church for a Jewish schul. Baruch Hashem, he didn’t harm anyone, Jew or non-Jew. BS”D with the proper help he’ll regain control over his yetzer ha’ra and move beyond his preoccupation with killing, as well as his propensity for such egregious mistaken identities.

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