California: Octuplets Born ‘Screaming & Kicking’

8.jpgA woman gave birth to eight babies in Southern California on Monday, the world’s second live-born set of octuplets.

The mother, who was not identified, gave birth to six boys and two girls weighing between 1.8 pounds and 3.4 pounds, doctors at Kaiser Permanante Medical Center told The Associated Press.

“It’s a surprise,” Dr. Karen Maples said. “Eight newborns are in stable condition and they’re doing quite well.”

Kaiser spokeswoman Myra Suarez said she could not release any information about the mother, including her condition or whether she used fertility drugs. Such drugs make multiple births more likely.

“They are all doing the best they can,” Suarez told the AP.

The first baby was born at 10:43 a.m.; the eighth one at 10:48 a.m.

“They were all screaming and kicking around very vigorously,” Dr. Harold Henry told the TV station.

(Source: Associated Press)

13 Responses

  1. At those weights, the babies should all survive, bli ayin hora. Hopefully, they all developed normally, too, and do not suffer from any serious ailments. Somehow, it occurs to me that the b’racha “oseh maaseh b’reshis” is appropriate for this news.

  2. For one shot this is incredible. But I read about a woman in Brazil who had 10 sets of twins. Her mother also had 10 sets of twins, and her daughter already had 6 sets of twins. And that was without Canadian or Israeli incentives for having large families.

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