Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done

rush.jpgPresident Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill yesterday that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts.

“There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats,” the official said. “We shouldn’t let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done.”

That wasn’t Obama’s only jab at Republicans yesterday.

While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message.

“I won,” he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. “I will trump you on that.”

The response was to the objection by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to the president’s proposal to increase benefits for low-income workers who don’t owe federal income taxes.

Click HERE to read the full story from the NY Post.

31 Responses

  1. Its really heartwarming to see such professionalism in the high office of the land. George Washington is turning over in his grave right about now.

  2. He’s in bad shape if he feels a need to take this route! What a lack in self confidence! Rush couldn’t have asked for better publicity! Just sit and wait! This is just the beginning of alot more fun with this guy!

  3. Nothing like picking a petty fight with a RADIO personality the first week in office. I guess it’s better than taking on Murphy Brown. He’s going to get creamed on conservative talk shows tomorrow.

  4. Rush has always said he doesnt take himself seriously. Anyone who really listens to the show and I mean like he says, “you need to listen for about six STRAIGHT weeks before you ‘get it,'” will tell you that you are getting politics along with humor and showmanship. If you dont like Rush, you either never listened (which means you are relying on someone else’s opinion) or you are a liberal but probably BOTH.

    I drive a lot for a living so I have been listening for most of the last 20 years. Between Rush, Grant, Hannity, etc., I have learned to THINK more than anything else. I dont agree 1000% with Rush et all but I certainly understand where they are coming from even when I dont agree. Most leftists I deal with just spew forth the liberal doctrine but when I ask them to explain something, there is nobody home.

    In the case of the President, he wants to use socialist ideas to get the economy moving again but the policies he wants to use are similar to FDRs which kept the US in ge’hakte tzuris for another 7 years until WW2 pulled us out of it. The economy has ALWAYS been something with ebbs and flows. Even Der Shlikmeister Pres Clinton had economic downturns including the one he left for Pres Bush in 2000. Generally the economy turns around in 2 years unless we mess with it more than need be.

    If the Pres does away with Talkradio (which means anyone who doesnt agree with the liberal party so why not say RIGHT WING RADIO) that will be a VERY BAD thing for this country because there goes a major “right” (no pun intended!) that we have in the USA. Left wing radio has shown that it doesnt work. Just look at Airhead America. No one listens. So now they want to FORCE stations to air programing that DOESNT sell ads??? That is sheer lunacy. If anyone wanted to listen to that dreq they could have done so. No one forces people to listen to right leaning stations.

    The job of a liberal is to CREATE a NEED for govt. If the libs create a need for people to rely on govt for welfare and other handouts, they will continue to vote liberal no matter what. G-D Himself could appear as a conservative and they would STILL vote liberal. Why??? Because they need the handouts since they lost the abilty to do anything or think on their own.

    People need to stop and THINK. Dont think about what govt program you are benefiting from and who gave it to you. You need to think about how YOU can become more SELF-SUFFICIENT.

    All the conservative hosts teach you is how to think and come to an opinion no matter what the opinion may be.

    As for his attacking Rush, we have already startd hearing the fall out from it and I am sure Monday’s shows will be VERY entertaining to say the least. Afterall the mosiah has spoken.

  5. “The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades, they will not go away in days, weeks or months, but they will go away. They will go away because we, as Americans, have the capacity now as we’ve had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom…

    In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

    Too bad BHO can’t look at Reagan’s success in pulling us out of recession, one that was as bad as BHO’s ‘experts’ are projecting this to become if he doesn’t act boldly.

    At least we benefitted from FDR’s infrastructure, although he prolonged the depression, but how will we benefit from the gov borrowing to pay some people to weatherise their homes?? BHO id just using this whole recession thing to getthese programs that don’t benefit us.

    As Ronnie would say: I knew FDR, he was my friend. Mr Obama, you’re no Franklin Roosevelt.

  6. Obama stepped right into the trap, he’ll be eaten for breakfast tomorrow morning by conservative talk radio, and then for lunch, by Rush himself, and then again for dinner by others. This publicity is the best way Rush can insure himself to have listeners.

  7. Reply to #3, please be aware that George Washington has stopped rolling over in his grave due to extreme dizzyness it seems he’s been rolling for a while now non-stop and is unable to keep up with the constant neccesity!

  8. I think it was absolutley necessary for Obama to come out so strong against Rush to
    Fight the immence rise in his litsening base after the Yated endorsed Rush! Just imagine what he would have said had the Hamodia also given Rush the thumbs up!

  9. Well, Rush Limbaugh, is something of jerk. His racist views alienated a large part of those Americans whose roots don’t go back to the 200 years ago. Much of his policy views, while good at being entertaining, haven’t held the test of time.

  10. Do frum Jews really listen to that radio show? the loshon hara is astounding, I think it’s best not to be mekabel all that.

  11. akuperma,

    If you think Rush has ANY racist views you obviously have never listened or you are one of those libs who don’t get it because your attention span to the emes is too short.

    I have NEVER in 20 years heard Rush say anything racist!


  13. Thank you obama for providing us with a fun-filled weed of talk radio. I’m actually looking forward. Obama will never win Rush, Rush’s IQ is about 5 times the amount of Obama. Rush has asked obama many times before to come on his show and debate him, of course he declined or rather didn’t even answer. Keep up your good work, Rush!

  14. This proves that Obama fears Limbaugh and is deathly afraid of Limbaugh’s influence on society.

    Puts Obama in the same company as Clinton, who also feared Limbaugh.

  15. akuperma, why are you calling rush a racist? Can you quote any of these supposed racist views? Or is Rush, like most of us here at YWN, a racist simply because he disagrees with Obama?

  16. Tommorows show will probably be the most listened to. In shule everybody made sure to mention to turn the radio on 770 at 12:00.


  17. Can anyone explain to me how you can respect a president who showed absolutely no respect for the presidency? Whether he liked Bush or not, if he could not show him any respect, is he deserving of ours?

    So far we’ve seen an emphasis on ‘haste’, but not on ‘deliberate’ in his choices of a tax-evader to head the IRS, and a secretary of state who received tens of millions from hostile nations…
    He’s already flexing his muscles at Israel…
    Bullying congress to let him rule like a dictator (and to hastily approve his wild spending plan without any deliberations)
    Now he’s censoring our media…

    As Americans hopeful for better times, we all wish him the best, but until he proves it, we’ll be judgmental…

  18. Since someone brought up race I want to clear something up for those who don’t get it.

    It makes no difference to most of us if BHO is black, white, red, yellow, purple or any other color. He is allowed to be criticized. We are allowed to ask questions of him. He is not a god. To question him in any way is NOT racism!!!!

  19. Rush has been a wonderful friend to Israel and to frum yidden in general. A couple of weeks ago the Yated Ne’eman featured an article about Rush Limbaugh with a picture of his rabbi, Nate Segal! Mega Dittoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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