Bloomberg Looking Forward to Working With Gillibrand, However…

bloomy.jpg“As I have said, the Governor had a large field of qualified candidates to choose from. In his selection of Congresswoman Gillibrand, he has chosen a committed member of the House of Representatives from upstate New York.  Our Administration has worked well with her and her staff on a number of issues, including watershed protection.

“However, I have a strong disagreement with one area of her record as a member of Congress: illegal guns.  She has actively opposed the efforts of New York City, and cities around the state and nation, to enact commonsense measures that keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals.  For instance, she has voted to keep critical data needed to track illegal gun traffickers from law enforcement, has voted to tie the hands of the ATF, and has also voted to protect dealers who sell guns illegally.

“Now, as she begins representing the whole state, I look forward to working with her to help her gain a broader understanding of the problems affecting New York City so she can be an effective advocate for all New Yorkers.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. To Bad, Lord Mike!
    You lost again!
    Guess what? Your time is up! You will be out of here very soon – term limits/no term limits! sour grapes!

  2. Mike, there’s something called the Bill of Rights. Maybe you’ve heard of it. If not, look it up and read it. Owning a weapon is a right, just like reading a newspaper or practising a religion, and placing onerous restrictions on a gun dealer is exactly the same as doing so to a newspaper or a church.

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