Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah: The Legacy Lives On

chup.jpgAs R’ Zev Weiss and his kallah, Chashie, stood swaying gently under the chupah, their lips uttered silent whispers of tefilos to the Ribono Shel Olam to be among those of Am Yisroel zoche to build a bayis neeman. Indeed, with each passing year after their marriage, those heartfelt tefilos seemed to be realized. Theirs was a home that became known for its mesirus nefesh for Torah, mitzvos and ever-giving hand to gemilus chossodim and tzedaka.

Without warning, both pillars of the home that had been a column of strength for so many others were suddenly struck with an illness that threatened not only themselves but the fortress they had so lovingly built up. With six young unmarried children still at home and in need of their parents’ constant devoted care, the situation appeared dismal.

But in the home of R’ Zev and Chashie Weiss, staunch warriors of Hashem, despair was not an option. Rivers of tears were shed as family members pleaded with The Ribono Shel Olam to spare the captains of their ship – and eitzos from gedolim were sought.

“Chesed. Chesed. Chesed.” These were the words reiterated by Gedolim as an immediate course of action in response to the tzarah. In particular, they advised the family to undertake the mitzvah of Hachnosas Kallah as a zechus for a refuah shelaima for their chosheve parents.

And so, after intense research into the specific channel of the mitzvah they should dedicate themselves to, the Weiss children created what would one day become known as Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah, the wonderful organization that would furnish the very basics of a needy new home in klal Yisroel: mattresses, box springs, frames – and in some cases – dinette sets.

Tragically, Rabbi Zev and Chashie, a”h, left this world in the prime of their lives. Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah, established as a zechus for them, has become a legacy in their honor that lives on and on, currently providing essential furnishings with utmost sensitivity and dignity to thousands of needy chassanim and kallahs from all across the United States.

“Marrying off a child can be the most beautiful time and the most difficult,” pens a parent. “The emotions. The tiredness. And the finances…Boruch Hashem, your Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah has been a bright light for us. Your great chesed of providing beds for young couples is amazing…”

“I am all alone,” writes a kallah. “My father was niftar when I was young. My mother is not frum. For me, being a kallah meant many nights of tears and days of struggle. Struggle to marry myself off. Being practically penniless, my chosson and I figured we would end up sleeping on the floor until we could afford beds. Boruch Hashem, because of you, we don’t have to…”

As a needy chosson and kallah stand beneath the canopy of the chupah on their wedding day, whispering heartfelt tefilos to the Ribono Shel Olam for their promising future, join Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah’s compassionate efforts in furnishing the basics of yet another bayis neeman in klal Yisroel and become a part of the eternal legacy of Rabbi Zev and Chashie Weis z”l.

* For more information about our upcoming auction or to place an order call 718-339-7164, 718-253-1627 or email to [email protected] or visit us at

*Show your support for Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah by participating in its upcoming events in Flatbush on Wednesday January 21, at the home of Mrs. Giselle Yedid, 1572  E. 10th Street. Drawing following event.

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