Is Chabad Headquarters (‘770’) a Terrorist Target?

rm.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) NYPD Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly called Chanina Sperlin of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council from the Presidential inauguration in Washington DC, this morning to discuss threats against 770 on the website

“The Commissioner is looking into the situation,” Sperlin told Chabad news-website COLLive, “The Crown Heights community was considered a target in the past, and whether or not this is serious remains to be seen.”

The site which features the threat is run by Yousef Al-Khattab, a New York City cabbie who operates an extremist Islamic anti-American Web site that features violent images on a daily basis: From the Statue of Liberty, with an ax blade cutting through her side; to a video mocking the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl, entitled “Daniel Pearl I am Happy Your Dead 🙂 “; or the latest speech from Sheikh Abdullah Faisal, an extremist Muslim cleric convicted in the UK and later deported for soliciting the murder of non-Muslims.

The latest – a cartoon-like image depicting 770 Eastern Parkway, Lubavitch World Headquarters, as a target in retaliation for Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

Formerly known as Joseph Cohen, al-Khattab is an American-born Jew who converted to Islam after attending an Orthodox Rabbinical school, which he later described as a “racist cult.”

The 39-year-old New York taxi driver launched with the mission of “preserving Islamic culture,” “calling people to the oneness of God” and asking them to “support the beloved Sheik Abdullah Faisal, who’s preaching the religion of Islam and serving as a spiritual guide.”

A mobile command center will be stationed in front of 770, Sperlin reports, and many more cops are being sent to patrol the neighborhood streets.

Two months ago, a meeting was held with major Crown Heights schools and organizations about keeping the community protected.

(Source: COLLive)

17 Responses

  1. BS”D

    Sad, sad story as I know Yossef al-Majnoun’s brothers in law – they are fine frum yidden and I think one is a rav now.

    He coerced his quiet, aidel and confused (new immigrant to the US) wife to go along with his conversion to Islam; prior to that he had passed himself off as yeshivish, Chabad, Williamsburgh Ingarish with NK leanings, and Sha”s (claiming he was Syrian which would be LOL if it were not so sad).

    I don’t think he is dangerous but maybe this harebrained attempt at threatening Chabad may get him into treatment and his wife out of captivity.

  2. Ribono Shel Olam? When will this end? Why is there so much hate against us? Fellow Yidden, take this message to heart! Hashem is sending us a message – we seek to hurt our brethren and in turn our brethren seek to destroy us. We can’t let this Sinas Chinum go on. When will the olam learn that Hashem punishes measure for measure? We have to unite to bring the ultimate geulah RIGHT NOW!

  3. He married aa immigrant girl brought up in a frum family in Washington Heights and then he changed and became trouble.

  4. BS”D

    Yes, she was in Breuer’s seminary in Washington Heights when a duped teacher redt her to him – she is Sefardi and he convinced her that he was as well. Her brothers were very concerned at the time – I lost track of all of them when I left the US and then one day I was chatting with a vehement and off the wall Shas supporter in the old not knowing who he was.

    A few years later I somehow got hold of him again online after his conversion. He was as off the wall as ever and then I realized who he was married to. I used to remind him that her family was looking for her and he bragged to me how he was able to outwit Yad l’Achim and even Neturei Karta (the real Yerushalmi NK). He did not outwit them – he brainwashed his wife so heavily and she is so quiet by nature that she no longer wanted to leave him and his mishegoss. In Morocco he claims he even took another wife.

    A couple of times over the past months and again today I sent him messages via his hate site telling him to cut the shtick, get help and come back to Hashem – had it been a few years ago he would have at least spoken to me even to tease me but now he’s too far gone for online contact and I’m on the other side of the world.

    I am posting this in the hope that someone will see it and deal with this as a case of a Yid who needs rachamei shamayim and a Yiddene who needs to be taken out of captivity. If that means pressing charges against al-Majnoun for his latest nonsense or having him committed, so be it, but there is a woman and at least five KAH Jewish children who are the ones that are really suffering here.

    I assume as I have no reason to believe otherwise that she is still in his captivity. Her name is Luna; her maiden name is Mellul. I know her brothers were trying to get her out of this mess but I believe one is a rav abroad now and I don’t know what resources they have.

  5. Get him treatment? Why is this person not considered a “Rodef”? I am not a Rov, nor am I advocating any violence, but this man is VERY DANGEROUS!! With his inside knowledge of the community and his warped views and potentially violent associates, this man poses a real threat to all frum Jews!

  6. #6 You are 100 % correct. I know some of the people who USED to know the girl (woman). Very sad and scary. It is sometimes the self-hate types that do more harm than the actual enemies. That happened throughout our history.

  7. my previous post did not go through
    I was asking for their names.
    for tefillos

    May HKB”H send him a refuah shelaima… and insight… and serious intervention.

    And may she get the help she needs as well…

    their families are suffering.
    hashem yishmor.

  8. BS”D

    #10 – please see above – her name is Luna and her maiden name is Mellul (Luna bat Hassiba).

    #7 – treatment in this case is a nice way of saying that he needs to be sent to a mental institution (possibly a criminal ward) for a very long time.

  9. BS”D

    Also children’s names are:

    Rahamim ben Luna
    Heftziba bat Luna
    Ezra ben Luna
    Ovadia ben Luna

    I thought there is one more child but I double checked and these are all the names. I assume the boys are Cohanim but I really am not sure because al-Majnoun is “American” and sometimes the name Cohen (I’ve also heard that his original name was Kaplan) was given inappropriately at Ellis Islan.

  10. BS”D

    🙂 I am purposely calling him al-Majnoun which does mean crazy, instead of using his chosen Arabic name.

    It also happens to be the name used by the Rambam in his Arabic writings when he refers to Mohammed YMS.

  11. Luna Mellul’s mother in Washington Heights passed away this Shabbat. If someone knows how to reach her in Morocco or wherever she is maybe this will help bring her back home.

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