Early this morning, the news arrived that Klal Yisroel lost one of its true heroic public servants of the post-World War II era with the passing of Rabbi David B. Hollander zt”l. Many articles will be written about Rabbi Hollander’s devotion to our gedolim and his strength and fortitude in protecting our treasured mesorah from those who wished to deviate from the standards set forth by our Torah leaders. It is difficult to describe what one individual accomplished during his lifetime or the credit that is due to him for his service as a shliach tzibur for over eight decades.
The levaya will take place today, Tuesday, at 4:30 p.m., at Rabbi Hollander’s shul, The Hebrew Alliance of Brighton Beach, located at 2915 Brighton 6th Street in Brooklyn, NY. Kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel.
Rabbi Hollander did not merit to leave behind any children. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Fay Hollander, and a brother who resides in Eretz Yisroel.
May he be a meilitz yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.
Boruch Dayan Emmes…
11 Responses
He was also the Rav of The Mount Eden shul in the Bronx (Grand Concourse near the Courthouse).
I saw him just a few weeks ago in a rehab. center. He told me that he was up until 3:00 AM preparing 2 articles for the Jewish Press and Algemeiner Journal about the Mumbai tragedy. He was sharp and witty and a pleasre to talk to. He was broad minded, well educated and well read, yet a true ehrliche yid, with torah haskafos who loved all of klal yisroel.
He was a very good person yes he wrote for the Jewish Press
“Rabbi Hollander did not merit to leave behind any children.”
Please change the wording in the article. It sounds terrible the way it is.
he was a brother-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Sherer
Rabbi Hollander was a true giant in service to Klal Yisroel worldwide paricularly . He leaves a tremendous void.
Rav Hollander was a great tzadik, and an awesome talmid chochom. he had the uncanny ability to be able to relate to any yid, regardless of background.
yehi zichro boruch!!
is it true that he received the writings of the peasesneh rebbe after the war from a polish child for a dollar? eventually they were published. what a z’chus, indeed.
please fill us in about the details of the levayah and when/ where it will take place in israel.
He was a true ‘kano’ie ‘for Torah! Many years ago he used to be on WMCA’s Barry Gray show and also on WNBC’s Long _John Nebel show defending Torah and halocho,and fighting the Arab propagandists in the 1960’s. His articles in the Jewish Press were very enlightening.
rabbi hollander was a great talmud chochem with great modesty.he was a great writer and stood for the truth. he had great respect for the gedolim and also for his bal battem. listening to him was listening to a rav from the previous generation. his loss will be felt widely and it is a great loss for klal yisroel.
thai nishmoso tzror b’tzror hachaim
and his family should be comforted amonghts the mourners of zion.
Photo – Levaya for Rabbi Dovid Hollander, OBM