Watch Obama Inauguration Live


WEBCAST LINKS BELOW: President-elect Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, have arrived at the White House. They were greeted outside by President Bush and first lady Laura Bush. As many as 2 million supporters are expected to crowd into Washington to watch as Obama takes the oath of office at noon as the nation’s first black president.

Watch complete coverage of Barack Obama’s inauguration as the 44th President of the United States. Coverage continues through his swearing in at 12:00PM EST.

WEBCAST LINKS: Click HERE (NBC) or HERE (Fox News) to watch the inauguration live.

11 Responses

  1. and here comes the homecoming king.

    i am so afraid of an attempted assassination. a riot in such a massive group of people could end up tragic.

  2. “Leko Milso D’lo Remizi B’oraiso” – There isn’t anything which isn’t alluded to in our Holy Torah.

    So where do you find an allusion to our new
    President Barack Obama?

    The answer: next week we will be reading “Parshas BO”, BO=Barack, Obama.

  3. did anyone else see that? the justice gave him 8 words in a row to repeat and he couldn’t do it?! that looks bad, bad, bad. at least the inaugural speech seems to have been rehearsed well. he’s doing a good job.

  4. When a Pastor says Shema OUT LOUD in Public, it is time to Think about Hashem, and Trust that He is Running this world.

    Ain Od Milvado.

  5. I have been to weddings where the Chassan has fumbled the 9 words he has to say. These same chassanim recovered and made very good husbands.

  6. #7, lol! but that is caused by pure nerves. which is understandable.

    we don’t want the image of our new president to be an image of insecurity!

  7. squeak, all i have to say is the wise teenage DUH.

    the point is that it *looks* bad, not that it *is* bad, DUH!

  8. 11, you’re saying that obama stopped mid-sentence because roberts’ wording was wrong? in that case, my apologies to our 44th.

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