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Bloomberg Statement on Ceasefire

bloomberg1.jpgJust days after Operation Cast Lead was launched, NYC Mayor Bloomberg traveled to Israel in a show of solidarity with the Jewish state. During his one day visit, Bloomberg gave multiple interviews with media outlets. The most notable (and now famous) interview was with CNN, when the Mayor made sure to tell CNN to “check their facts.” (This was first reported by YWN.)

Today, the Mayor released the following statement regarding the new ceasefire:  

“The ceasefires announced by Israel and Hamas come as a great relief. Free and democratic nations cannot lie down in the face of terrorist activity, and Israel’s strikes succeeded in significantly weakening Hamas’ terrorist apparatus. The deaths of innocent civilians, Palestinians and Israelis, is a terrible tragedy, and my thoughts and prayers remain with the families of all the victims. Tomorrow we begin a new era in American politics, and we can only hope that the current cessation of hostilities will begin a new era of peace between Israelis and Palestinians.”

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. new era…with “Palestinians” maybe
    with HAMAS unfortunately NEVER
    whoever doesn’t understand that needs to have his head examined

  2. New arrivals incoming from Gaza in 5… 4… 3… 2… Not “If” but “When”, G-d forbid, but you KNOW they’re itching to.

    Olmert, Livni et al are absolute fools if they don’t scream bloody murder to the UN when Hamas starts up again. HaShem runs the world but we have to do our part!

  3. It is interesting to see the wording “The deaths of innocent civilians, Palestinians and Israelis” as in Palestinans first in the deaths. But, the last sentence, “peace between Israelis and Palestinians” puts the Israelis first. Is there a connection or is it just me who thinks that in deaths the Palestinans are more important, but in terms of peace (if such a thing indeed exists)it is up to the Israelis to make the motions and the onus is on them. Hmmmm

  4. “Wait a second. I think maybe you should, before you go saying things like that, check the facts.”

    I’m sure they did, and went ahead anyway. “There are those… there are those… there are those… how do you answer to that.” I don’t. Doesn’t deserve the diginity.

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