pic.jpg[UPDATES & PHOTOS BELOW] A small-winged commercial aircraft [US Airways] is confirmed down in the Hudson River on the West Side of Manhattan. Multiple FDNY, NYPD and rescue personnel are responding to the location reported to be West 42nd Street and 11th Avenue – just behind the Intrepid.

FDNY units arriving report that people are “on the wings”, and multiple people are “in the water”. The airplane is carrying approximately 60 people.

A signal “10-60” (major emergency) has been transmitted by FDNY, and divers are being requested to expedite to the scene.

Multiple Circle Line Boats are currently picking people out of the water, and FDNY members are on the boats as well.

UPDATE 4:10PM EST: FDNY Command Post reports that approximately 30-40 people have been safely brought to Pier 79 and are not seriously injured. They are all “freezing cold”.

The flight was reportedly going from La Guardia Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina – Flight #1549, (Airbus 320) and had 146 passengers, and 5 crew members on board.

UPDATE 4:15PMEST: Although there is no reason to believe that their services are being needed, as a precaution the Misaskim command center has been dispatched to the airport to work with the FAA on list of passengers.

UPDATE 4:20PM EST: As per the FDNY Field Communication Unit, the pilot reports that immediately following the crash, he got all passengers onto the wings – and he claims that there are no people left on the aircraft. The pilot is currently at Pier 79 in stable condition.

The condition of all passengers, and an exact head count is being done at this time.

UPDATE 4:24PM EST: The FAA is investigating (credible) reports that a flock of birds got into the engines, causing the plane to shut down.

UPDATE 4:25PM EST: All persons have been accounted for, and are all alive….It is becoming apparent that a miracle has taken place……

UPDATE 4:31PM EST: YWN has confirmed with Port Authority officials, that although everyone is very cold, there do not appear to be any major injuries.

UPDATE 5:10PM EST: Port Authority confirms to YWN that the number of souls on board the aircraft is 149. 

UPDATE 6:00PM EST: Click HERE for photos.

Additional details to follow.

(Yehuda Drudgestein / YWN-32)

31 Responses

  1. “A small winged aircraft” ? It is an Airbus a320 that is NOT a small aircraft,it is the size of a 737….The wing are not small at all…..but B”H everyone seems ok.

  2. From witness on the ground-Pilot glided the plane marvellously onto the Hudson river, saving the passengers of the plane as well as people on the ground in N.Y./N.J.! Planes do hit engines periodically especially F-16s both of the USAF and of the IAF.

  3. Why haven’t we heard about a passenger manifest and info about communication between the pilot and the control tower?It’s always interesting when routine imformation is NOT provided.. Could there have been, h’v, “something the public shouldn’t know”? A flight to NC would probably pass over the DC area….. These days, one never knows.

  4. 1. Good piloting. Calling it a נס is an insult to the pilot. Basically he landed on a soft surface next to the rescue boats.

    2. Every sure the sea gulls are terrorists (note they wear white robes, squak a lot, …) 🙂

  5. The last few weekly English HaModias have contained writeups of shmuzen from Reb Moshe Sternbuch, shlita, to the effect that when Hashem does nisim it’s for the purpose of getting us to do teshuva and strengthening our yiras Shamayim, and if we don’t, chas v’shalom, the results may not be so pleasant. So everyone think of ways to do teshuva and to strengthen their yiras Shamayim. Now.
    The messages from Hashem are getting more frequent and stronger and clearer, especially for those of us in Eretz Yisroel.

  6. #8, your comment is absolute apikorsus, how dare do you think that this is called “good piloting” – even when a person lands a regular landing according to most poskim we ‘bentch gomel’ to thank Hashem for the ‘miracle’ of a good flight. Please use your brains that Hashem has blessed you eith before commenting and sharing your view with others!!

  7. Everyone, please learn to correct people without insulting them. Hashem wants us to love each other, which doesn’t mean that we have to agree about everything but it does mean that we have to show respect even for those with whom we disagree.

  8. #11
    The Brocho of Goimel is not to thank for ‘miracles’ at all, that is simply untrue and misleading. There is a seperate Brocho for miracles. Please, if you’re going to criticize someone in such harsh terms, check that you know what you are saying, and that your claims are not entirely unfounded.
    And what you wrote about ‘absolute apikorsus’ – I’m sure you realize yourself – is way off the mark.

  9. Quite right, no need to be so harsh. Stand to be corrected.
    However, let us all recognise ‘yad Hashem’ in everything we see and thereby strengthen our emunah and bitachon in Hashem and then we will surely ALL be zoiche to see the coming of MOSHIACH who we are desperately waiting for, bimeheiro beyomeinu Omen!!!

  10. #11 sometimes it takes a real man to say i’m sorry!
    everything is yad hashem if you fall out of the 20th floor window and someone runs a block and catches you in the nick of time will you say no thank you needed it’s all from hashem??
    even if it all came from yad hashem the pilot in this case is the messenger and he did a great job.
    we bench gomel to thank hashem for seeing us safley from a dangerous situation not because of miracles, if flying and landing safley was an open miracle you wouldn’t be allowed to fly

  11. First of all #9 i dought there were any jews on board the plane second why would we need the # & third since when does the Port Authority refer to people as souls

  12. To # 4: “Planes do hit engines periodically especially F-16s both of the USAF and of the IAF.”

    I am sure you meant to write that “BIRDS do hit engines periodically…”

    Just wanted to let you know that someone actually read your post! 🙂

  13. Nobody was accused of being an appikorus, only of writing appikursis. (Someone who tells a lie is no more a liar, than someone who speaks lashon ha’ra is a ba’al lashon ha’ra. That having been said, it should be noted in strong terms that attributing something to “kochi v’otzem yadi” and not HaKadosh Baruch Hu sounds very much like appikursis to me.

    As far as bentching gomail. Whether it expresses thanks for an undeserved chesed or nais is not the point. Either way the berachah expresses that it is HaKadoh Baruch Hu who is responsible for ALL that happens; even the so called natural events of taking off and landing a plane.

  14. yesterday a lady fed a pigeon some bread and out of appreciation the bird told her not to go on a plane out of laguardia on thursday!!!


  15. #22 – Did you hear that in a text message from a friend?

    I think the open nes here is that the birds flew into the engines of a plane flown by a former fighter pilot with decades of flying experience!! If you don’t think HaShem made those things fall into place…

  16. #22 You may inspire me to change my name to
    Laughing out loud!!!

    To whom it may concern:

    when an airplane full of passengers lifts off the ground and acts like a bird,
    taking them like an eagle to the destination of their choice.
    we call that a miracle.
    we have become accustomed to miracles.

    “It’s comin’ alive from the Bible”
    (a song from M’Gama)

    we have learned enough science to immitate the creation… for good purposes.
    we are using teva, as Hashem wants us to.

    We gotta figure out how to fly around those birds before everyone gets a flying car.
    The way I see it, most people in my neighborhood still need to learn how to get around pedestrians who walk in front of moving cars. If you want to learn how to cross: watch a cat. They look both ways, and then run very quickly. They don’t allow their kittens to cross during the day… they teach them in middle of the night, when there’s very little traffic.

    Too many drivers in my neighborhood are not sure where that stop sign is, and where that crosswalk is, and what was in that permit book about cellphones anyway?

    Again, the cats are here to teach us. None of the cats in my neighborhood talks on a cellphone while they are walking in the street.
    It’s DANGEROUS!!!

    Do you think people should drive while relying on miracles?

  17. The bottom line is that there must be something special about the pilot because it says:


    and eventhough they were guyim, it was definetly a z’chus because we find that hashem had tanis by the yam suf:


    and these guyim weren’t even as bad as the mitzriem.
    So lets give the pilot a hand of applause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. May I remind all of you to daaven for Or’el ben Angela (the little boy injured critcally in eretz yisroel)

    that he should have a complete refuah and yeshua?
    Thank you.

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