Serious Injuries in Beersheva Rocket Attack [UPDATED 11:00PM IL]

gr.jpg5:00PM IL: At least four people were injured a short time ago in a Katyusha rocket attack in Beersheva. According to preliminary reports, a rocket hit a car and two people are in serious condition. Others are less seriously injured.

5:10PM IL: At least ten people were injured in a rocket attack in Beersheva a short time ago. Three people are reported in serious condition, four moderate and the remainder light. Additional details will be published as they become available.

5:46PM IL: A number of victims from the Beersheva rocket attack have arrived in the trauma unit of Soroka Hospital in Beersheva. Two victims are listed in serious condition, including a 7-year-old child. Two others are listed in moderate condition.

6:05PM IL: Two people are reported in serious condition as a result of the Beersheva rocket attack at about 5:00PM. A 7-year-old boy is in CT scan, reportedly with a serious head injury. A female also sustained serious abdominal injuries. They were injured by shrapnel from the Katyusha rocket. There are a total of 6 people with physical injuries and at least 7 being treated for shock/hysteria.

The Soroka Medical Center emergency information number is 12-55-177.

UPDATE 11:00PM IL: Or’el Iliezrov, a 7 year old second grader at the Shuvu Be’er Sheva school was seriously wounded in this rocket attack.
Or’el was in the car with his mother when the siren went off in Be’er Sheva warning of a missile launch. They both managed to escape from the car and lie on the ground as Home Front Command instructs, however tragically Or’el was hit in the head by shrapnel. His mother is suffering from shock. 
Or’el is in Soroka Hospital and just came out of surgery. His condition continues to be very serious.

Rabbi Yehuda Veitman, principal at the Shuvu Beer Sheva elementary school is at the childs bedside along with the family. 
Please daven for the Refuah Shleima of Or’el Ben Angela.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. The Arabs must be mercilessly wiped out. No mercy. No breaks. When will they learn this lesson? The price has already been too high for taking this class a NUMBER of times.

  2. Gazan Dawn

    “If you can look into the seeds of time,/
    And say which grain will grown and which will not . . .”
    —-Macbeth (I. iii)

    The security derrived from the call
    relies entirely on the underlying assets
    realized when the option is embedded
    and the bombing begins

    In the early morning groundfog,
    phosphorescent on the yellowed blades
    an evanescent pyre
    flickers auroras of sunrise

    Into the lap of newbroken day
    The preferred lie discharges
    Dividends of sanguine scope
    From leveraged cannon

    And in the border tunnels
    The rabbi trusts expire
    Leaving hedged sellers
    Covered by blooded shorts

    In this way the zero
    Upticks of hearts now rotted
    At the double witching hour

    germinate that semite tribe
    Whom, seeded, face the stone
    Assured of future options.


  3. Time to daven harder and harder, and think of doing teshuva. Without Hashem’s help no amount of weapons can help us, with His help no amount of their missiles can hurt us.

  4. Wow, Ariel
    Thank you
    for telling it how it is.

    May Or’el ben Angela have a Refuah Shelaima min hashamayim…

    in the zechus of all the little kinderlach who are learning Torah every day, daavening with pure hearts, and minds, and want to grow up to

    heal the sick
    rescue the injured
    put out fires
    then go to learn Torah
    in a peaceful world

    there are no sick
    there are no injured
    and there are no fires.

    Refa’einu Hashem V’Nerafay…
    Hoshi’eynu V’Nivasheya

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