Vandals Deface Three Chicago Synagogues

hate c1.jpgTwo North Side synagogues and one in Lincolnwood were vandalized early Saturday, including one that had “Death to Israel” spray-painted on a wall, police said.

Vandals threw a brick through the front glass doors of Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation, 7117 N. Crawford, around 6 a.m. Saturday, police said.

Vandals also scrawled “Death to Israel” and “Free Palestine” in orange spray paint on the synagogue’s outside walls.

Lincolnwood Police Lt. Mark Brines said police were notified at 6:10 a.m. that a caretaker in the building heard a brick crash through a window at the temple.

The caretaker later saw “two unknown males running from the scene,” Brines said.

Lincolnwood police believe the vandalism could be related to two similar incidents at nearby synagogues in Chicago.

Chicago Police spokeswoman Antoinette Ursitti said police were investigating early morning criminal damage to buildings on the 2700 block of West Morse and the 6500 block of North California.

Anshe Motele Congregation is at 6526 N California, while Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago is at 2756 W. Morse.

Officials with those temples could not be reached Saturday afternoon.

“The incidents involved vandalism containing derogatory statements and are being investigated as possible hate crimes,” Ursitti said, declining to give more details.

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force has been notified, Brines said.

(Source: Chicago Sun Times)

10 Responses

  1. Anshe Motele is next door to the Chicago Community Kollel. I sure hope “Officials with those temples could not be reached Saturday afternoon.” It is Shabbos you know.

  2. Sadly many Jews do not relate to what is happening in Israel and many are apathetic, and so Hashem reminds us that Kol Yisrael areiveim zeh lazeh. All Jews are connected no matter where they are. Hashem sends us an ugly reminder through the goyim. The entire world is getting these reminders from the goyim now-how long until all Jews wake up! B”H there is Eretz Yisrael today-how bad does it have to get in “shmutz Laaretz” for Jews to realize that their place is not in the USA?

  3. #2 – Sadly, you are right. We must wake up. This is getting really scary.

    I heard that one of the girls’ high schools here (Chicago) was also vandalized on Shabbos. Does anyone know if it’s true?

  4. True that we are all in a state of galus, but this is the first time in galus that we have been given Eretz Yisrael by Shomayim-which is easily understood after reading a history of how we even have it-only through great open miracles. You are actively making a choice to live among goyim instead of living in a frum neighborhopod in Eretz Yisrael and contributing to its ruchniyus. There is no comparison to the Torah and derech haTorah in EY vs Chut LaAretz-ask any returning seminary or yeshiva bochur. Plus one who does not live here is missing out on performing the mitzvos hateluyot B”aretz. Every mitzvah brings one closer to Hashem, every shomer Mitzvos brings the level of kedusha in Eretz Yisrael to a higher madreiga. The goyim are letting their stance be known (which is also a message min haShomayim), and many tzadikim have said to come now before it will be hard to leave. 100,000 goyim protested against Israel in London. It is happening everywhere. Wake up!

  5. Klerr, I suppose you would say the holocaust happened because the Jews walked to their deaths likes sheep.
    Do you really believe that the entire world cares that much for a piece of land smaller than NJ (Israel) and the Gaza Strip which is even tinier? More than they do about Darfur or Rwanda where the Holocaust of MILLIONS of people is happening??? Most people in the world do not know why they are motivated to be against the Jews. Ask most anti-Israel demonstrators and they will admit it. Most couldn’t even find Israel on a map. This is all because Hashem uses the goyim as the means to wake us up out of our lethargic state. Learn the Navi, and the Kesuvim, and ask your rav. If we don’t get the message that we are being sent then am Yisrael is in real trouble.
    Israeli government is also controlled by Hashem’s will. Or maybe you will say that Sharon put himself into a coma, and Olmert, who never even served in the army is now the prime minister because of his popularity. It is so clear that all is Yad Hashem, that the world stage is being set by Him. All barriers to coming to EY are dropping. Those who couldn’t come because of gashmiyus have no excuse. Those who were afraid that there weren’t enough frum neighborhoods haven’t checked out Israel lately. Those who hate red tape can have all papers processed by Nefesh B’nefesh and get a hefty monetary allowance from them. So what is anyone waiting for?

  6. Five places that I know of were vandalized not three as stated in the headline. Lubavitch Mesivta, Anshei Motele Shul, Hanna Saacks girls’ high school, Young Israel of West Rogers Park and Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation. I drove by and saw some of them. Windows broken and the words “Death to Israel” written on the buildings. This is not just vandalism, they are HATE CRIMES.
    #5 and #8 – I agree with you. We should all be going to Eretz Yisroel now.

  7. Do not forget Paris, London and Venezuela and Yemen. My father is a holocaust survivor and he said that we are getting even more clear signs today than when he was a boy in Poland.

    Klerr, I suppose you would say the holocaust happened because the Jews walked to their deaths likes sheep.
    1) I said nothing of the sort.
    2) Coincidently you are correct. The Jews did not fight the forces of evil. Of course if you like you can say, that they died because they had full Emuneh in the Riboinoi Shel Oilem who let them die.

    3) Your unsolicited advice to me to “Learn the Navi, and the Kesuvim, and ask your rav.” makes one wonder how old you are (spiritually, of course). My advice to you is Go to your Rav for spiritual guidance, call the fireman when there is a fire and of course call the police when Islamic Extremists attack your schools at night. Hashem Yerachem if they attack again but this time during the school day and you respond by calling your Rav instead of calling the police.

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