Oy Vey! Hasidic Jews (Not) Pull Off Diamond Heist

fk.jpgArmed robbers dressed as ‘Hasidic Jews’ celebrated New Year’s Eve by drawing their weapons on an unsuspecting jeweler and robbing him of millions in precious stones.

The thieves, dressed in black from head to toe and sporting long fake beards, got past the security guards at 2 W. 46th St. with fake IDs before taking the elevator up to the fifth floor, home of Dialite Imports, reports the New York Post.

As they waited to get buzzed in, one of them pulled out a can of spray paint and covered the lens of a security camera.

Then, they forced owner Atul Shah to empty the safe at gunpoint. Shah and an employee were then tied up with duct tape as the thugs made their getaway. The whole thing was over in less than five minutes. Shah said he couldn’t comment on the robbery because of an ongoing investigation by his insurance company.

“They told me I cannot say anything right now,” he told the Post.

(Source: NY Post / NBC NY)

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