PHOTOS: Israeli Athletes Unwanted in Turkey

3.jpgPHOTO LINK BELOW: It was not a pretty scene in Turkey on Tuesday when the Israeli team entered an Ankara stadium for a basketball match. An angry crowd began shouting “Israeli murderers” and “Allah Akhbar” and becoming unruly, compelling security personnel to escort the Israeli players outside to avoid their being attacked by pro-Palestinian protestors who threw objects at them.

The Israeli team, Bnei HaSharon refused to return after security personnel restored order, and it appears the Turkish team will be awarded a victory.

Hundreds of protestors were waiting outside for the Israeli team, waving PLO flags and shouting anti-Israeli epithets. The team was escorted out safely under extremely heavy security.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. Why do we care? Sports does not belong in Artzeinu Hakedoshoh, the paltrin shel melech. The nes of Chanukah was getting rid of the sports. May we be zocheh to a new nes of Chanukah.

  2. The comment left by anon — January 7, 2009 @ 8:04 pm .If a reader disagrees with your response,then you most probably made a chilul Hashem.
    The point was the increase in Jewish people “Klal Yisroel” being hated more and more, and if you change your ways of looking at other Jews that may be the tikun for the geulah BE”H

  3. national sports at a time like this?
    if the soinei yisroel wouldnt’ve booed them, i would’ve. ( you wanna play in your own backyard is one thing, but representing your country with this? i think is insensitive ).

  4. The Tuks had no chance of winning the game so they had to pull a trick out of their smelly hats to gain a victory through the back (and dangerous) alley.

  5. Response to mowshe: Not quite sure how disagreeing with me (2) means I caused a chillul Hashem. Actually, someone who believes that sports belongs in a paltrin shel melech is causing a chillul Hashem. Lehavdil, it would be very disrespectful to a king to suggest that that public restrooms (sports) be located in his most prized sitting room (Artzeinu Hakedoshah).

  6. anon,

    Chillul hashem no chillul hashem,

    Sometimes you just have to accept the world the way it is. Not agreeing with someones views does not mean that you can’t show empathy for a fellow jew, or even a non jew (??!!??).
    The Muslim nations don’t like us not because we play basketball, they hate us because we are jews. So instead of always voicing a naive frummer than thou opinion tracht a minut and see the commonality that you share with your own people instead of making rifts in a time of trouble.
    A groiseh talmid chacham like yourself may remember what is written in Nach about why the Jewish Nation won all the wars B’yemei achav albeit their Avoidah Zorahs (and I doubt it means basketball)

  7. outsider frum within:

    I like your handle and the content of your comment. Is it “naive frummer than thou” to note that some things really don’t affect us. As to why the muslim nations don’t like us, perhaps if we would all have followed the chachmei yisroel through the years, this would not have been such a problem. One can argue that the muslims hate us for playing sports (an argument that I assume you would classify as “naive frummer than thou”). Bottom line we need to think with our minds not our hearts. Also, some have posited that the reason there are so many frei people today is because there is no issur loshon horah on them and we will have less opportunity to speak loshon hora.

  8. anon,

    Thanks for your words.

    ( I’d worry about the issur of chanifah if you were so adamant about your views )

    Firstly, it’s silly to say that we are hated because we play basketball, because seemingly the game was against turkish muslim opponents and the Israelis were booed by basketball fans.

    Secondly, it may not effect us why they hate us in the sense that we can not change that, but this is us in 2009 and we have to deal with it. We are jews whether we are in Lakewood or playing basketball in Turkey and they hate us because of that. You may be right things would have been different if we would have listened to the chachmei yisroel all along but ba’asher hu sham , we are here. It’s 2009, and there are members of Klal Yisroel in many different places and many different frames of mind. If we would truly go with your philosophy of “if we would of listened to the gedolei yisroel … ” YWN would be out business and we wouldn’t have this forum of discussion because which gedolei yisroel were pro hakamas hamedinah 60 yrs ago.

    We are here because we are here and let’s not loose sight of the reality based on what should have happened.

    Yesh Elokim and he put us here for a reason and whats us to deal with it to the best of our capabilities.

    And about the heter of loshon horah against secular jews . I dont where the heter comes from or what the relevance is to your comment. Maybe the reason there is so many “frei people” is because we think it’s ok to judge and talk about people based on their relationship with the one above without understanding their backgrounds or reasoning for their behaviors.

    Shalom !!! Let there be piece !!

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