NYPD Says Frightening Text Messages Were Hoax

ywtext1.jpgThis past Friday afternoon, YWN posted a call for calm following frightening text messages being forwarded around the Jewish community in NY. 

The following was written on Friday: “YWN has reached out to high-ranking members of the NYPD, and have stated that although they received the same text message, “there are no credible threats to be concerned about – and don’t even know where this text message originated from”. [See Fridays post by clicking HERE]

Regardless of what we had written to calm the public, since Friday we have received hundreds of emails from nervous New Yorkers.

To further calm people, the following appeared in the NY Daily News on Wednesday:

A chilling terror warning spreading across the U.S. and Israel is a hoax, NYPD officials said Tuesday.

The threat, which has popped up on forwarded e-mails and blog posts across the world, warns of an attack in New York today. It says the warning originated with a Muslim cab driver who told a Jewish woman he picked up of a Jan. 7 plot.

“There is no terror plot or threat connected to the rumor that is circulating in New York and in other cities abroad,” said Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne.

“There are several variations on the rumor, but it is just that, the latest urban myth.”

City Hall and the NYPD were alerted to the viral message days ago, officials said.

Synagogues across the city have added extra security because of the conflict in Gaza.

Meanwhile, the Web site of the Bay Ridge Jewish Center in Brooklyn was hacked by a man calling himself “EL_MuHAMMeD FOR PALESTINE.”

Pictures of hooded men launching missiles appeared on the center’s site.

(Dov Gordon – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Today was probabaly picked because it is the Shiite Moslem holiday of Ashura which commemorates the death of Mohammeds Grandson Ali.

  2. Ask the kinderlach if we need to be afraid! Ask the kinderlach what will protect us. Our children know the truth! Because when we were thinking clearly, we taught them how to sing out loud.

    Al Tirah,
    MiPachad Pisom,
    Key Sahvo:
    Utzu Aitza V’Soofar,
    Dabru Davar V’lo Yakum,
    Key Imanu Kayl!
    V’ad Zikna Ani Hu,
    V’ad Saiva Ani Esbol,
    Ani Asisi,
    V’ani Esah,

    They will tell us…
    Be nice. Wait your turn. Smile at your friend. Apologize if you hurt someone.
    Don’t Steal.
    Don’t Cheat.
    Don’t Hit.
    Don’t embarrass people.
    Don’t hurt people’s feelings.
    Be Fair.
    Don’t be a hypocrite… Do what is right, even if it’s unpopular
    Don’t dress like a tzaddik… Act like a Tzaddik
    Don’t mumble to yourself… Make your brachos out loud!
    Don’t ignore people… say amayn!
    Shhhhh…. people are daavening in here!

    Our tuition dollars are producing returns, my brothers! If we listen to the cries of our children, HaShem will listen to our cries.

    Ani Ma’amin Be’emuna Shelaima… ALL 13.

  3. There’s only ONE who can make it Rain.
    Perhaps there was something to it?
    Maybe it rained on their parade.

    those who know do not tell
    those who tell, do not know

    – a quote from Daniel

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