Avi Schick Leaves ESDC

as.jpgAvi Schick, the prosecutor-turned-development official who has served as downstate president of the Empire State Development Corporation for the past two years, will leave his job this week. Mr. Schick emailed a letter on Monday evening to colleagues announcing his departure (a copy of the letter is below).

Mr. Schick’s departure comes more than seven months after the Paterson administration announced he would resign his position; in May, the state announced he would leave in September.

At the ESDC, Mr. Schick, once a top prosecutor in the state attorney general’s office under Eliot Spitzer, oversaw state involvement in projects such as Atlantic Yards in Brooklyn, the development of Governors Island, and Columbia University’s West Harlem expansion.

He was also known as Governor Spitzer’s man downtown, running the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation and attempting to attract and retain large financial firms including JPMorgan Chase. Mr. Schick was involved in getting the bank to agree to build a new tower by the World Trade Center site, a nonbinding commitment that seems highly unlikely to happen at this point. He pushed—ultimately successfully—for candor with dates and deadlines at the World Trade Center, and he also has overseen the deconstruction of the Deutsche Bank building by ground zero following a fatal fire in the summer of 2007, a demolition that has taken far longer than expected.

Below is Mr. Schick’s e-mailed letter to colleagues, sent this evening:

Subject: Thank You

As most of you already know, this week will be my last at ESDC.

The past two years at ESDC have been a terrific adventure, and I am proud to have had the opportunity to work together with each and every one of you. Working together, we were able to keep employers large and small — from IBM to the small industrial manufacturers from Brooklyn to Batavia — committed to New York State. We were able to create a workable and equitable plan for Columbia University’s Manhattanville expansion and shepherd it through the public approval process. We were able to get construction started at Brooklyn Bridge Park. We were able to begin the design of a world class park on Governors Island. And we were able to begin to restore the I Love NY campaign to its former prominence and glory and to make New York State — the entire State — the tourist destination it deserves to be.

It is the nature of the job that the credit and attention tends to flow to only a few. But the reality is that it was the contributions of each of you that made these (and other) accomplishments possible, and I’d like to publicly acknowledge the professionalism, hard work and dedication of the entire ESDC staff. Thank you.

Of course, there is much more to be done, especially in this challenging economic climate. I am leaving comfortable in the knowledge that under the executive leadership of Marisa and with the guidance of Chairman Wilmers you will meet those challenges.

On a personal note, I’d like to thank Bob and Marisa for their graciousness during the past few months.

I entered government nearly a decade ago with three small children, the oldest of whom was in third grade. I am leaving ESDC with five, the oldest now a senior in high school. And so fond memories and all, it is time to move on to the next chapter in my professional life.

I am looking forward to a few weeks without early morning meetings or late night conference calls, after which I suspect the cycle will begin anew.

Once again, thank you all.


(Source: NY Observer)

2 Responses

  1. With all that is going on in the world this may not seem like too big a story but in some respect it is quite relevant to today’s times.
    While clearly we have to point to Yad Hashem in seeing these historical times unfold, there are some political ramifications as well. Avi Schick is to politics what Prime Grill is to Kosher Consumption. He is indeed a standard bearer and in a time where we are about to be led by a Chicago politician it would do us good to acknowledge one of the good guys of politics as he leaves.
    Kol Hakavod Avi and may you find true hatzlacha in all your endeavors.

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